Reactions: Part 1

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Alice barely slept that night, she wonders if this is how Molly felt after she had her diagnosis.

When she got into bed that night she felt lost, scared, upset but not for herself, for her family the bond she has with her dad is strong and she fears what this will do to him.

But now she feels a determination to do the things she wants to do and to look after her family before she goes.

Lucy found her in the kitchen the next morning, dressed and making breakfast, "Morning. Did you sleep?"

"Not really. I feel numb but surprisingly, I'm not scared to die, I'm more worried about my family," Alice hands Lucy a bacon sandwich, "I'm going to head off, there are a few things I need to do before I go home and tell my family."

"You not going to eat?" The brunette wants nothing more than to pull Alice into a hug and never let go, protect her and keep her safe. Make her better if it were possible.

"I already had mine," Alice grabs her things and Lucy follows her to the door.

"If you need me, I'm just a phone call away," Lucy pulls her into a hug.

"Thank you. I will set up a get together for our friends and tell them all together, just keep it to yourself for now," Alice pulls out of the hug, gets in the car and drives away.

The original plan was to head straight home but after leaving Lucy's, Alice has a change of plan.


Miami's day was going very slowly, he hasn't got a lot on today other than lots of paperwork to sort, so the knock on his office door was a welcome one. He hadn't expected to see Alice through the window but he waves her in.

"I'm not disturbing you, am I?" She asks closing the door.

"Not at all. My day is full of paperwork so this is a welcome interruption. How can I help?" He gets up from his desk, sitting in the armchair across from her.

"I've come for two reasons and none of them is to be shared with my family until I say so."

"Is this of a legal nature?"

"One of the reasons is, the other is a music reason. I'd like to request the use of studio time to put two songs together."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do," He eyes her, wary of what this is all about, "What's the legal matter?"

Alice keeps her eyes trained on the floor picking at the skin around her nails, "I need to put together a will."

"A will?" He hadn't expected that, "Why do you need a will, Alice?"

She looks at him eyes glistening with tears, "My cancer has come back and it's incurable. I have 22 to 24 months."

"Oh, Alice. Does your family know?"

"Not yet, I spent the night at Lucy's after going to the doctors yesterday. I was heading home but I wanted to get the ball rolling on these two matters."

"Then I'll get it sorted. Make an appointment with Beth for later in the week then we can create your will."

"Thank you, Miami."

Finally, Alice heads home, her hands gripping the steering wheel the entire way, terrified to tell her dad because she knows how much this news will hurt him.

To make things harder, she spots Dominique's car and she comes up the drive meaning her mum and siblings are over for a visit, "Alice!" Rory races towards her as she comes in the door Felix is not far behind.

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