⤷ 10

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from that moment on, time seemed to race by, and i desperately searched for a way to avoid takashi. i was not interested in meeting him, let alone talking to him. on the other hand, i was curious, i wanted to know what he had to say to me, but i was sure that sooner or later these words would hurt me again.

i wavered back and forth; should i go or should i not?

when i was in my room on sunday evening, something happened that made the decision easier for me. the display of my phone lit up brightly and i read the message from ryunousuke;

hey y/n.. :) sorry i disappeared so fast last friday..can i make it up to you?

i bit my lower lip, but i couldn't stop myself from smiling.

hey ryunousuke. it depends, how are you going to make it up to me?

a few seconds later came his answer

tomorrow night? cinema, you and me? :)

i couldn't suppress a low squeal. he wanted a date with me?

i had never been on a date before. what would i wear? i have to call the girls

but..wait. tomorrow was monday. takashi...

"y/n. don't be stupid. you don't want to see takashi, he hurt you. and ryunousuke is really cute. have some fun " whispered a voice in my head.

"you know what? you're right. takashi can go fuck himself" i said out loud.

my gaze slid over the many clothes, and i wondered what i should wear. but since i was pressed for time, i decided relatively quickly on a plain, black, strapless dress.

i spent the next few minutes putting on makeup and styling my hair with a curling iron.

i was throwing everything i needed into my purse when the doorbell rang.

"i'll go" i yelled downstairs, squeezing my phone into the small pocket, putting on my jacket and rushing downstairs to the door.

"hey ryu-"

the smile fell off my face when i saw no one standing here.

"maybe he's just afraid to face me. just go to the front" told my mother and smiled behind my back

"thanks" i whispered, smiling and stepping out of the house. my hands were shaking as i closed the door behind me and when i finally turned around i slammed into a chest.

"i'm sorry ryu-" i fell silent.

the familiar smell of aftershave and smoke wafted towards me and i looked up into his face.

"where are you going?" takashi whispered.

"i- i-"

"you?" takashi took another step closer and i stumbled back.

"i was on my way to you" the trembling in my voice betrayed that i was lying, but takashi didn't let it show.

"nice dress"

"thank you" i nervously chewed on my lower lip again.

"well..why don't we take a few steps? it's a little weird talking on the floor mat, isn't it?" he whispered in a velvet voice and put his arm around me.

was he really that quiet or was he just pretending to be?

"you know," he pulled me out of my thoughts as we turned into the park, "i actually already knew you wouldn't meet me voluntarily."

upside down, mitsuya takashi ✓Where stories live. Discover now