The End (I said soon, didn't I?)

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Melissa's POV
"Kian come back!" I say running through the rain after him. "Please come back!"

It was to dark to really see, but I kept running. Kian please. I run a little faster, but soon feel myself flying through the air due to a rock in my path.

Everything goes black.

Beep beep beep

The white light of a hospital room blinds me as I open my eyes.

"Guys she's up!" Someone says. It sounds like Taylor, sure enough it is.

"Are you okay?" Megan asks

I look around and notice the boys and laura arent there.

"Yeah, where's laura and the boys?" I ask confused.

They give me the same amount of confusion.

"Laura's still in New York, she isn't flying out till my birthday." Victoria says.

"And what boys?" Carlee says.

"Wait! Maybe she remembers something from the little crash she had!" Lizzie says all excited.

"I crashed? With what car? I don't have one." I'm so lost right now.

"Not your car dummy, your penny board." Taylor laughs.

"Yeah, an evil trash can attacked you." Lizzie laughs along with Taylor. (A/n waaaiiiiitttt foooorrr iitttt)

"Wait, what happened? Tell the whole story." I asked

"Well," lizzie starts. "We had just got off our flight, and everyone but me and you passed out. So we went penny boarding. Then you ran into a trash can, went flying and hit your head. It could have been worse though, if he wasn't there. You could have been dead." (A/n I'm just imaging your guys reactions, like whaaaaaaaa. But that's not it, still wait for it.)

"If who wasn't there?"

Just then the door opens and incomes a three guys and one of them comes right up to my bed.

"Hi, I'm Kian Lawley, the one that almost caught you, sorry for not being quick enough." He sticks out his hand for me to shake. (Boom!) Was everything just a dream?

I shake it with confidence. "I'm Melissa Jarnot. And I know who you guys are, I love o2l." I saying pointing at Connor and JC who where chatting with the girls.

He leaned in close and whispered I'm my ear. "I know who you are too, and I would love to take you on a date sometime."

I blush and smile at him. "I would love that." This is my second chance. And I'm not gonna screw it up this time.

Betch'ya didn't expect that to happen.
Well stayed tuned there will be a few more chapter after this. Then its goodbye.


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