Family Love Pt. 2

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Lizzie's POV

I see the truck and immediately memories of my life flash by.

*Flash back*

" My loneliness is killing me

I must confess, I still believe

When I'm not with you I lose my mind

Give me a sign

Hit me baby one more time!"

James, Dad, Mom, and I dance around the livingroom jamming out to Brittany.

"Geez! you are getting old! how old are you now, 21?" My dad asks me as he picks me up. i giggle.

I shake my head really fast at him. "Noooooo,  I am only five!" I say holding up five fingers. 

"So you can't drink yet?" He asks with a silly face.

"Of course I can!" I say taking a sip of my juice box.

For the rest of my 5th birthday I played Pokèmon Stadium with James.

*Flash back over*

The truck comes and i am encased with darkness.

*1 week Later*

Beep. beep. beep. Noises be loud and annoying.  speaking of noise,  what is that sound?

"Lizzie?" Hey that sounds like Connor! Wait why can't I move? "I know you can't hear me," Yes I can. "But I just wanted to say something...." Ugh I hate suspense!  wait! what if he says he loves me?! I'm not ready for love! Am I? "When we first met, or rather when you first ran into me," Don't you dare say I love you! "You left a bruise on my chest from the blow." Seriously.  If I could move, I would slap you. I feel my face form a frown.  "Hey! She's waking up!" No duh. "Nurse!" I here footsteps run into the room. "Her face changed emotions!  "is she waking up?"

"Wow it appears she is!" A lady who I am guessing is the nurse says. "She will be up soon!"

I feel something grab my hand. i squeeze the other hand back.  "Come on Lizzie, wake up!"

my eyes shoot open. "I am awake!" I yell at Connor annoyed.

his face lightens up. "Lizzie!" He embraces me in a bear hug.

"Connor!" I say trying to push him off.

"I don't care if you don't like hugs! I am hugging you no matter what!" He pulls me even closer. I give up and my arms fall to my side.

Suddenly I feel the oxygen become scarce. "Connor..... Can't.... Breath." I choke out.

"Fine." He says releasing me.  "But if I can't do that, I will just do this." I look at him confused as he smirks at me.  Suddenly I feel his soft lips attached to mine.

"wait!" I say pulling away from the kiss. "What about everyone else?" I finally notice Connors cast covering his left wrist and hand.

"Well Kian has a broken leg and bruised liver, Melissa,  Trevor,  Taylor, Carlee, Laura and Ricky just got bad bruises and scratches.  Jc sprained his ankle, Sam Has a broken arm, and you and Victoria went into comas." He says. Wait someone was missing from that mix.

"What about Megan?"

He scratches behind his ear. "Megan didn't make it." He says. A few tears roll down my cheeks.  "I'm sorry, Lizzie.  She was on the Passenger side and that is where the truck mostly hit so she was mostly in pain to the point where she past out. Like you and Victoria,  she went into a coma. she died a few hours ago. I was so close.  So close to just seeing her alive. But I missed it by a few hours. "Liz-" I silence him with another kiss thinking it could be the only thing to make me feel better.

"Ahm." I hear someone cough from the door way.

"Jackson." I say trying to sound excited.  it wasnt working very well.  I thought I would never see him again, great, he is probably going to make me feel worst than I already do.

"No its fine, you made your choice,  I just needed to tell you something."

"I will leave you two alone." Connor says as he gets up and leaves. He gives me an encouraging nod before existing the room.

"Lizzie please just hear me out!" Jackson pleads.

"I'm listening."

"I really do love you!"

"Well I don't love you anymore! I love someone else!" oh, guess I am ready for love.

"I can tell!" He yells gesturing to the door that Connor just went through.

"if you loved me why'd you leave me?!" (A/N:  Take my body! Take my body! All I want is! And all I need is! To find somebody! I'll find somebody like you! Sorry TFIOS moment.  Carry on.)

"Because someone told me to!" it was becoming a heated argument.


"Me." I turn and see Megan in the door way. ( A/N: I know what you are all thinking. It is either 1. WTF?!? or 2. Can't someone stay dead in this book?!?! :3 hehehe, Teen Wolf quote.... Kinda. Okay, Carry on 2.0)

I just stare at her. Wait, whaaaaaaaa? I thought shez be dead?! I think my sanity has ran out.

"Well I didn't really tell him, I was only the messenger." she says coming closer.  "And you should be glad that you listened or he probably would have shot you."  she says to Jackson.

"Yeah, Stay away from my daughter,  you are a bad influence, and I have guns."

"Dad?!" Why do people who I think I will never see again keep popping up in my room?!


Yay Megan not be dead! Cizzie kiss! Jackson being shot down! Daddy problems!  wait, wut?

The next chapter will explain how Megan tricked everyone into thinking she was dead.

okay so 8 comments and 5 votes!

There is 2 songs, name both of them!

~ Agent Pancakes / CaptainO2l

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