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Melissa's POV

I look at him with a little bit of worry in my eyes. "Kian, you know I can't do this."

He just laughs and grabs my hips to support me. "Melissa, your doing fine."

Kian's skateboard hits a small rock and I once again almost fall of, but try my best to stay stable. "This is it. I'm gonna die via skateboard accident." I say and he speeds up the board.

"Oh stop it, your not gonna die." He says once again laughing.

I look over my shoulder at him and raise an eyebrow. "Seriously... I almost did."

Kian gives me a serious look as slows down the board. "No, Taylor told me your heart actually did stop... You died."

"WHAT?!?! HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME?!?!?! AM I THE UNDEAD?!?! I DIED!!!!" I start flipping out and all Kian does is laugh and speeds up the board again. "WHATS SO FUNNY??"

"I'm just joking! You never died! You were only in a coma for an hour!" He barely gets out between his giggles. "That's it! *Cough* *try's to stop laughing* Your fine."

I turn my head away from him again. "I hate you, I really hate you."

"Awwww come on Mewissa." He says nuzzling into my neck. "I was just joking."

I smile at him. "Not getting off that easily."

He gives me puppy dog eyes. Those aren't gonna work on me, I live with a whole bunch of girls who want the bag of chips I just bought.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Of course I do...? Why?"

"Jump!" Kian yells.

"What? Okay!" I do as he says. As I'm in the air, Kian turns me so when I land on the board again I'm facing him.  "Wait wait wait... Now I can't see where we are going!" I try to turn around to see, but he removes one hand from my waist and places it on my cheek so I'm facing him again. He smirks and raises his eyebrow. "I know, I know. trust."

"Just look me in the eyes." I listen and worriedly look deep into his eyes. Suddenly I feel myself in a trance, and I start swaying towards him, falling for it. Our lips connect and all worry leaves my mind. I move my hands to the back of his neck absentmindedly.

After a couple seconds I move my hands to his cheeks and pull away with a slight smile on my face. "I still hate you."

"That's okay." He smirks, jumps off the board pulling me with him, and he kicks the board up and it lands in his hand. He then motions to our surroundings. "Because we are home."

I peck him on the lips and walk inside.... And there laid complete chaos.

"MELISSA! KIAN! YOU GUYS ARE BACK!!" Everyone shouts.

"Um, hi?" I look at all the silly string everywhere. Whoa déjà vú.

"Lizzie kissed me!" Connor shouts accusingly and points at Lizzie. We all look at her with our jaws dropped.

She shrugs. "What? I wanted to know what it would be like! And I'm pretty sure that Taylor and Trevor are dating!"

"Hey!" Taylor yells back at her. "We just kissed!"

Trevor joins in. "And it was a great kiss!"

"Yeah!" Taylor yells agreeingly.

"What?!" Kian yells.

Ricky laughs. "Megan kissed me."

Megan's eyes widen. "That wasn't my fault! You turned your head!!!" Megan looks at me and points at Jc and Victoria. "And they sprayed us with silly string!"

"Yeeeaaahhh, we did." Victoria laughs.

"We also kissed." Jc says matter-of-factly. Victoria hits Jc in the gut. "What?!"

Soon everyone is in a huge screaming match. Me and Kian are just staring at the small brawl in front of us dumbfounded.

The front door opens, in walks Sam and Laura. They look at everyone. "Want to go to go eat something in the kitchen or something?" Sam asks Laura.

"Definitely." Laura says not taking her eyes off of the mess I front of her. They both walk out of the main room into the kitchen, but before she walks out, Laura runs up to me. "I kissed Sam." She whispers in my ear with a small girly giggle and she runs to the kitchen to join Sam.

"Seriously?!" I shout.

Carlee walks downstairs and doesn't even stop when she sees everyone and walks back upstairs again.

I look at Kian. "We can't leave them alone ever again!"

"I know right! Or else they go around kissing each other!" He motions to the still screaming people.

Ding dong

Everyone stops and looks at the door.


Well that's the end of this book!!! Finally...

I am thinking of doing a sequel so I kind of left it on a cliff hanger.. Sorry bout that.

If I do I will post another chapter on this book telling you what it's called so don't worry about not being able to find it or something.

Who knows though! I might never get to it!

So for my final one on this book...

Hasta luego!! ✌️

Goodbye guys, don't forget to comment and vote.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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