Promise Pt. 2

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Jc's POV

She's not there! I run around her hospital room searching for a spot where she could be. Why Did Victoria get out of bed?! The nurses had told me that she had some fancy brain trauma that I couldn't really remember the exact name but it was bad if she moved to much.

In the accident she had actually hit the back of her head the hardest, and that part of the brain is where her memory is stored. It was a merrical that she remembers everything, but if there is the slightest tap on that girls head, it could all come crumbling apart.

I run through the halls searching for my girlfriend. Girlfriend, that's a weird word. It doesn't really fit the situation for us very well. It seems too downgraded.

"There you are!" I breath as i see Victoria in Lizzie's room hugging Megan. "Wait Megan?!"

She sighs and waves her hand at me. "Yeah, Yeah. I'm alive, Yipy! Can someone please just text everyone saying I'm alive! I'm getting tired of this!"

"Ah, still as sassy as ever." Ricky says putting his arm around her.

My eyes wonder to the random guy passed out on the floor. I shrug. "You guys should really do something about that." I say as i step over him. There is a random guy in the room whom I don't pay much attention to because I am to focused on Victoria. she has to go back to her room!

as I move closer to her I feel the bulge in my pocket. The ring. I should give that to her, like right now! I fumble to take it out of my pocket, but no one seems to notice.

"Oh, thank God! There you are Victoria!" Victoria's sister says. Leila I think. she pays no attention to the passed out guy on the floor. As she steps over him the tip of her shoe gets caught in his jacket, causing her to trip and come tumbling into me. The ring that was ment to signify a promise of eternal love causes the most destruction. It flies out of my hand, hits the wall, then taps Victoria in the back of her head. It seems to blur for a second. First she is smiling and hugging Megan, the next she is on the floor, unconscious.

"Victoria!" I screech and run to her side. I see the flash of the ring and quickly pocket it. "Victoria?"

Her eyes flutter slightly open, then widens as she sees me. "Who are you?!" Oh, no.


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