Bad Ideas

170 9 13

Megan's POV

Kill. Me. Now. "I'm that flight that you get on, international. First class seat on my lap, girl, riding comfortable. Cause I know what da girl dem need! New York to Haiti! I got lipstick stamps on my passport, make it hard to leave!" She has been singing the whole fricken car ride! Why did I have to pick up Laura from the airport? Damn me being the only one with a car. "VidCon!! Woooo whoooo!!!!" Why is she part of the Awesome Life again? "I can't wait!!!! We are going to have so much fun!" Just ignore her. Maybe she will fall asleep from the long plane ride. look out the window and look like you are focused on driving. Through the window I see The Hampton Inn. The place we were staying at that got robbed. Thank God we did though, or else we wouldn't be living with the O2L boys. Hey did anyone tell Laura we were staying with them? Laura's face grows confused as I pass the hotel. "Why did you just pass the Hotel we are staying at?" Guess not.

I turn to her. "Because we aren't staying there anymore."

"then where are we staying?"

"I guess you will just have to wait and see." I turn my attention back to the road. When I don't hear her singing or talking, I figure she is I'm deep thought about where we could be going. A smile of satisfaction spreads across my face. Well that got her to shut up.

Connors POV

"I mean we kissed! it was amazing. surly she had to feel it to?" Jc slid down the wall and put his face in his hands. he told me of his and Victorias's shared moment and i told him of me and Liz's.. almost shared moment.

"You think that's bad. She won't even trust me. I don't even think I will ever get a kiss out of her." I slid down the wall next to him. the picture of her riding away from her was still fresh in my mind. People say that you don't actully remember something, you are just remembering the last time you remebered it and everytime you do it changes alittle bit. so if i think about it will it change? would she not have left me again? No, no it won't. The painful memory will be stuck there. just the way you left it.

"I just like Vic so much!" Jc looks up from his hands. I can tell he has been thinking about her because it is the same face i have when i go into deep thought about someone. Someone like Liz. Ugh, get out of my head! she will never like me the way i like her. "I think I am in love with her." My first reaction would have been: Dude you just met her a week ago, you cant fall in love with someone that quickly! But I knew it was true because the same thing was happening to me.

"Man, I have beeen in love with Liz since the first day we met when she ran into me."

Jc looks at me and laughs weekly. "Out of all the girls we fall in love with the ones the most guys wouldn't get anything out of."

I laugh along with him. "Yes, but we are not most guys."

"Hey, guys!" our heads wip up to a happy Melissa who is standing right above us. I wonder how long she has been stading there. Why is she so happy? "Victoria wants to throw a party, can she?" she makes a puppy dog face at us, but it was uneeded.

"Abosolutly nah-"

"Sure!" Jc says cutting me off.

"Yay! i will go tell Vic and we will get the stuff set up!" Melissa skipped off to find Victoria. Ok seriusly that girl seems wwaaaaaayyy to happy. Did i miss something?

I turn to Jc who seemed alittle to happy also. "What are you doing?! A party is not what we need right now!" I say angry that he cut me off in the middle of a word.

he just turned to me with a evil smirk. "How could you be so blind? A party is exsactly what we need." I look at him with confused glance. "At partys there is just a mood of anyting can happen and let lose. A party is what we need to get our girls." Jc walks to where the girls are and helps them set up. Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?


Hey-o guys! it looks like you guys have completed my challenge so i guess i will have to make a new one. But first lets talk about what the heck is happening! A party!?! is that seriously the Vic Style? yes it is because i am writeing the boook and do what ever i want. :p

i bet most of you are wondering who the heck Laura is or where the heck the rest of the O2l group is. dont worry, you will know in due time. maybe.

i seriously loved writing megans POV. she is one of my good friends and is really nice, but everyone knows you cant be nice through and through if Snow White can't, no one can. (you will only understand the joke if you finished season 2 of Once Upon A Time.) it was fun to write what i thought she thought of us on the inside, and daaangg she sassy.

ok now to the challenges! 7 comments and 4 votes! but i got something alittle special for you guys. have you noticed that i do a song in evey chapter exsept one? well the challenge is name the song in every chapter and tell which chapter doesnt have a song!!! what do you win, you ask? a deedication in my next chapter!!! yaaaaayyyyyy! comment your answers!

vote, share, comment, but dont forget to read! :P

Hast llugeo!!!!

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