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Victoria's POV

I wake up to hear giggling and the room door close. what time is it?  how long have I been asleep? My sleepy eyes refuse to open. never mind, I'm going back to sleep. I roll over, "Ooff." looks like there is no more couch right there. I jump up off the floor, realize that we have been asleep for two hours. crap.

"Victoria? What are you doing awake? what time is it?" Carlee says sleepily from the chair.

I roll my eyes at her. "Yes, it is me. I'm awake because..." because I fell off the couch. "because I wanted fresh air and was about to go for a run." wait, I don't run. "I mean walk." yeah I can walk. " and its 10:00 so we have been asleep for two hours."

"Oh," She says lifting herself from the chair. "Want to make me some coffee?" I stopped thinking about it because I wanted some coffee myself.

"Na-Uh, girl. there is Starbucks just a little down the road from here." Megan says getting out of  bed and shaking Taylor awake. "I could use some coffee to. Why don't we all go?!"  ugh this means I actually have to walk .

Jc's POV

seriously. Everyone's gone lovey dovey. Kian looks like he's turning into a tomato for Gods sake! wheres my person to be lovey dovey with? wait....what? I see everyone introducing themselves and it kind of makes me feel like a loner. I want to introduce myself!!!!! "And I'm Jc!" I say as I jump in between Lizzie and Connor. I see Connor roll his eyes. good thing I stepped in front of him instead of Kian, he would have punched me by now. Connor gives me a death stare. Holy crap. If looks could kill, I would be dead. we need to get out of here. "Should we carry on with our journey now?" I say walking the way towards Starbucks.

 "Yeah we should," Kian says all dazed. "Would you two like to join us?" no,no they don't.

"Sure, that would be great!" Lizzie says. crap. "But I don't think Melissa should ride anymore, cause, you know, evil garbage cans are plotting against her." She says sarcastically.

"Who puts a garbage can in the middle of the sidewalk?!" Melissa hisses defensively.

"Here I will help you." Kian says grabbing her penny board and helping her onto it. gross, just plain gross. He then jumps on the front of the board and skates with Melissa holding onto him. Connor and Lizzie do the same.  Seriously?! Lizzie didn't even need help skating!! I jog to keep up with them because I didn't have a person to ride with. I'm so lonely, I have nobody, of my owwwwnn. After a few minutes we arrived at Starbucks. Finally.

We find a table and sit down. since everyone seemed a little... distracted, I decided to go ahead and order myself a coffee.

"What size, Sir?" the nice lady behind the counter asks me. I look at everyone at the table. they were laughing and acting all sweat.  This is going to be a long day.

 "Large please." I say handing her my credit card. a few moments later I grab my coffee and turn around, only to spill my coffee on the girl behind me. she looks really familiar. wait a second. that's Victoria Marie! do not fangirl Justin Caylen! " Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I say to the famous You Tuber.

She glares at  me, I see recognition in her eyes, but right now I don't think she cares who I am. "Crap, I just bought this! thanks a lot dumb ass!" (A/N the actual Victoria said this, not me) She's got fire. I like fire.

"Here. " I say taking off my scarf and putting it on her so it hid the coffee stains.

She smiled at me apologetically. "Sorry I yelled at you, I just, lose it sometimes."

" Yeah I got that." I say to her with a smirk. she smiles at me awkwardly.

"thanks for the scarf, it makes this shirt look even better."  

"Yeah, sure anytime." I say with a shrug. " But what is the famous Victoria Marie doing here."

Her eyes light up at the sound of her name, but she pretends not to notice. " You mean other than getting coffee?" she sends a sly smirk my way.  Wow, she is going to be a tough nut to crack.

"Oh, yeah, um." I say awkwardly. she laughs. she has a cute laugh.

"I'm just joking with you Jc." she says playfully hitting me.

"um, miss, your drinks are ready." the lady behind the counter says. Victoria grabs her drinks and walks away but is stopped bye Melissa.

"Vic? What are you doing here?" she asks

"Well after you and Liz ditched us we became bored so we are here now." I  walk to the table that Connor, Lizzie, Kian and Melissa were sitting at with Victoria standing over it.

"Where are the others?" Lizzie asks. Just then three girls burst in with worried looks. "Well that answers it." she says with a shrug

"Lizzie? Oh, never mind you need to see this too." The tallest one says. I rack my brain for her name and remembers she calls herself Megan in the videos. she pulls her phone out and hands it to Liz. She gasps and looks at Melissa with worry in her eyes then passes her the phone. Victoria looks over Melissa's shoulder as they read something on the phone. they both gain worried looks.

"What is it?" I ask not even trying to hold back my own wiriness. they hand me the phone.

We are sorry to inform you, but the hotel you are currently staying at has been bereaved. it is currently under investigation and you can not return to the hotel for this reason.

we are also sorry that your room was one of the rooms that was broke into. we do not know if anything is missing yet but we will conduct a search during this investigation.

~ Los Angeles Police Department

"We've been robbed." Melissa says.


oh shiz. robbery is never good. whats going to happen with them? Jc finally found somebody, that's good right? please comment and tell me what you think!!!

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