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Victoria's POV

"Care to put me down now?" Jc run through the kinda looking woods in the backyard.  He seemed to know where he was going though. I wonder where?

"Where would be the fun in that?" He says dodging a tree. I may be looking at his back, but I can almost hear his smirk.

A few moments later we came to a clearing. wow this place is beautiful. Jc places me on a bolder by a big clear pond. I couldn't help but watch the family of ducks swim by. "This place is wonderful Jc." I say to him in awe.

He smiles at me and sits down on the rock next to me. "Yeah, that's why I like coming here. and no one can come here and ruin it." He flicks a piece of silly string off his arm.

"And why is that?" I looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

His dark brown eyes found my light green ones, his face turning serious. "Because you are the first person I have ever brought here."

Omg, what do I say to that? His eyes that looked like I was looking at a puppy instead of a person started working a trance on me makeing me forget my thoughts. His face came closer then became hesitant.  I wasted no time and our lips crashed. Our lips moved in sinc forming a passionate kiss.

A duck quack forces me back to reality.  What did I just do?!? I can't kiss Jc! But I did...why? Do I have feelings for him?  Ugh! what is happening?!?!  Jc noticed my face, which must be twisted with confusion and annoyance right now. I make up an excuse so he doesn't think my face was due to the kiss. "We should get going. They are going to wonder where we went." I say sounding like I don't want to leave but it is important that we have to. I was always good at lying to people. I guess you get good at it when it becomes a needed tool to stay alive. Painful memories of my past shoot through my mind. I push down all the misery like I have been doing for the past 10 years. I don't let the pain escape from the inside where I imprisoned it so long ago and hide it from the ones on the outside. Or so I think I hide it. Jc looks at me with confusion,  and sorrow in his eyes. He would never understand.

"Victoria,  are you alri-"

"Come on, we need to get going." I say quickly trying to dodge the topic. I get up and walk the way we came from not really sure how to get back, but Jc spun me around so I was facing him once again.

"Wait, did something happen to you?" my silence gave him the answer. "What happened?" his voice was laced with worry but it didn't stop the anger from bubbling up inside of me.

"Problems happened!" I spat. tearing out of his grip I stormed into the woods in search of the house leaving Jc there only to wonder what the heck my problem is. 

Lizzie's POV

"Why won't you just trust me?" Trust? he must know its not that easy. Anger came over me.

"Because, Connor! Not everyone one had a hinky dinky life! Most people face stuff that erases their ability to trust!"  Tears threatened to come out, but I wouldn't let them. "But I guess it builds character." I repeated that same thing to myself for a long time. my brother used to say it when we were going through a tough time. Up until he was sent to Iraq. sent to his death. you can't have charter if your dead. Man, I miss James. He would tell me that everything is alright and we would play a childish videogame. More tears threatened.

"What exactly did you face?" He came closer wiping a stray tear of my cheek. I couldn't help but want to melt in his arms. No.

"Problems." I spat and once again took my penny board and left connor behind knowing that a relationship is something I don't need right now.


What the heck am I writing right now? I had a full chapter based on people's problems! ok I need something to lighten the mood. And hence the P.S. chapter!


Victoria's POV

Am I hungry, or just bored? I will just venture the house wile eating a bag of Connors chips. that should satisfy both.

*2 minutes later*

Crunch. "These are some good chips. Connor will never know." I stick another chip in my mouth.

"I just.... just can't get her out of my head!" what the?  I slowly pear around the corner and see Jc and Connor talking. Neither one of them spots me. I slowly creep back behind the corner and listen to what they are saying.

"I know how you feel bro." Connor says trying to comfort Jc.

"I mean we kissed! it was amazing. surly she had to feel it to?" He kissed someone?!? Oh heck no!  I heard a soft bump and a sliding nice that must have been Jc sitting down.

"You think that's bad. She won't even trust me. I don't even think I will ever get a kiss out of her." I heard Connor sit down as well. Who the heck is Connor talking about?

"I just like Vic so much!" Oh man, this Vic is going to get a butter sock beating!!!! .......wait........ I'm Vic. The rest of the conversation turned into white noise in the background as my feelings for Jc filled up inside of me and I had the sudden urgency that I needed to tell him about them, and I will, just Vic style.


There now isn't that better? I like happy endings. it makes me feel better inside when the world makes me feel like crap.

annnnyyy waayyy I know I didn't revile what the girls problems are but I will I due time. Patience is a virtue.  What do you guys think "Vic style" is?

Same drill as last time but there has to be 6 comments and 3 votes!

Hasta lugeo!

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