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Kian's POV

The first thing I see when I get out of bed is Connors bed being empty.  Where did he go? Maybe he went to go make some pancakes. I walk towards the kitchen. Pancakes seem really good right now. I want pancakes.  Something catches my eye.

Whoa, man, whoa. is that what I think it is? holy crap!  Lizzie's bed didn't just hold Liz, it also had Connor. Wait, does this mean I don't get pancakes? 

*30 minutes later*

"I'm boooorrrreeeddd." I complain to Melissa. Taylor, Victoria, Ricky,  Melissa,  and I (A/N: Yay correct grammar!  I deserve an award,  like pancakes.) were the only people awake. 

Suddenly Victoria's lips curl into a evil smirk.  Creepy. "Let's pull a prank!" She says. Oh, I like that idea. 

"Girl, you have been watching way to much Punk'd." Ricky says shaping his fingers at her.

"Yeah, Ashton Kutcher is getting to your head." Taylor shakes her head at Victoria. 

"Come, on guys! it'll be fun!" I beg everyone.  "What's the worse that can happen?"

"We have a giant mess we have to clean up." Melissa states. Party pooper.

"Fine, Vic and I (A/N: Oh, look, I did it again!) will pull our own prank!"

"Wait!" Ricky says holding up his hands. "I am not really in the mood to get a prank pulled on me so I will help you guys."  Good choice.

Taylor nods in agreement.  "I agree with Ricky." she moves to stand next to Victoria. 

we all look at Melissa.  "Fine." she sighs. "But I am not cleaning up the mess."

I smirk at her. "Glad your on my side." I whisper in her ear. Her cheeks go red, as she tries not to smile. 

*1 hour later*

" You're a good soldier

Choosing your battles

Pick yourself up

And dust yourself off

Get back in the saddle" I blast in their ears.

These people really know how to sleep in. We had got all our pranks set up and now we just needed people to fall for them.

"Lizzie,  wake up." Melissa said.

"You too, Connor! Get your butt up!" I say trying to shake them awake.

"Noo." the both mumble.

"GET UP GET UP GET UP GET UP!" Melissa and I both scream now jumping on the bed.

"Leave me alone..." Lizzie says trying to kick us off the bed.

I jump off the bed. "Fine. I guess we will have to do this the hard way." Melissa jumps off knowing what I am about to do.

I pick up one side of the mattress as watch as Lizzie and Connor roll onto the floor, half asleep.

"Hello floor. You need more hugs, don't you." Connor mutters into the carpet, spreading out his body like a starfish. 

"I agree. Floors only see feet. Poor thing barely ever gets hugs. Lizzie agrees.

"That's it!" I grab Connor walk to the hotel pool, and trow him in. He wakes right up. I then go back, grab Lizzie and do the same.

They both hop out and come running after me.  "Your the ones who wouldn't get up!" I shout back to them down the hall as I run away from them.

"So you throw us in the pool?!" Yeah, pretty much.

Taylor walks out of Trevor's room with a satisfied smirk on her face.  I high five her as I run past.

Five minutes later, Trevor walks out of his room with a wet crotch and a pissed look on his face. ahh, the old 'hand it warm water' trick. Classic.

After everyone calms down, we sit down for some 'Pancakes.' Well actually only two weren't pancakes.  Those two were hot cakes! *Diabolical Laughter*  you know, when you put hot sauce into the batter.

In a matter of seconds,  Trevor and Jc are both sweating.  Looks like they got the hot cakes.  Jc fans his mouth and Trevor is now screaming.

"HOLY CRAP! MY MOUTH! IT BURNS!!" He screams. He gets up and runs circles around the table.  Jc doesn't get affected as bad, he actually likes hot stuff. he's just sweating, gulping down any drink he can find, and breathing a little heavier.

Trevor ends up chugging the whole milk jug.

"Imma get an Arizona." Sam says and as he opens the fridge door his expression turned confused.  "Why does everything have eyes?"

He pulls out the orange juice, the butter, and lastly an Arizona. All of which have googly eyes that we attached to them.

"The stupid remote won't work!" Connor calls from the couch in the livingroom. 

Melissa walks over to him. "How 'bout you try this." she peels the electric tape off the sensor.

*2 hours later*

It's late afternoon and everyone set off the prank  and let's just say, I almost peed my pants to their reactions. 

There was an incident on the toilet, due to the plastic wrap we placed on it. A few people had green goo dumped on their heads when they opened a few doors. and now the whole hotel suit was a giant mess.

Melissa smirked at me. "remember what I said earlier." and with that she went back to bed.

Victoria's POV

"Please tell me there are no more pranks." Lizzie says in her 'I don't want more goo dropped on my head' tone of voice.

"Yeah, I think we are done." then I notice Jc is not present.  "Did Jc go back to bed?" I ask. she nods. I turn to Connor.  "You guys said he was a he was a heavy sleeper, right?" another nod.

"Your gonna prank him, aren't you." Sam says.

"Yup." I say making the P pop. I grab marker and a tube from the pool.

"Whatch 'ya doing?" Ricky asks.

"Floating Jc, with a mustache!" I exclaim.

within seconds jc is floating around the hotel pool with a fake mustache, sound asleep.  "everyone, get out your phone and get ready to video tape!" surprisingly they do. I hold up Lizzie's air horn and cover one of my ears as i press the button.  Jc yells and tips over into the pool.

He resurfaces and glares at me. He knew I was the one who did it because I still held the air horn in the air. 

"Victoria did it!" Megan screams and everyone runs back to the hotel suit. I just laugh at Jc.

"You need help?" I say in between my laughs. I hold out my hand to him.

"Gladly." with that he took my arm and pulled me into the pool with him.

"I hate you!" I laugh as i resurface and splash him.

"Nah, you love me." He says as he splashes back.

We got into a huge water fight, until he ends it by pulling me closer,  and kissing me.


Lol, Trevor peed himself! 

sorry, but I have to bring it back so I don't post three chapters at once again.

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~ Agent Pancakes

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