A Weird Gift

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Connor's POV

*1 hour earlier*

"Los Angeles, see you in eight hours!" Victoria says as she points at the camera with determination from her spot on the large couch. she then stands up and makes her way over to the camera, but ends up tripping on the coffee table in front of her on the way over. "F***!!" She yells as she hit the floor. I try my best to hold in my laugh.

all the other girls look at her with evil smirks then shouts at the collapsed girl, "MONEY!!!!" and points to a glass jar with a sign that said "SWEAR JAR" tapped to it.

"Screw you." Victoria says with a glare pulling herself off the ground and putting a dollar in the stuffed jar. geez, how many times has she swore, I mean, really look at that jar.

"Ok, no matter how funny it was to watch you fall on your face," Lizzie says with a smile and turns to Victoria who just returns it with a glare, "we really need to get going. the plane waits for no one!" she gets up and heads over to the camera. "Ba-Bye." The video ends.

I look at when the video was uploaded. nine hours ago. that means they are probably here right now! Sa-weet! wait why am I so excited about this?

"Wow they are pretty cool." I say. then my tiredness hits me. "But why did I need to see them?"

An evil smile curls onto Kian's lips. "Don't you see?" I shake my head "they are like a girl version of us, we have to meet them!"

I snicker remembering his little crush on the Melissa girl. then my face goes serious with thought, but how are we going to find them? I really hope we don't have to go into stalker mode again. that girl wasn't even worth it then.

Kian looks at me with confusion because of my sudden mood swing . he opens his mouth to say more but is interrupted by a chubby cheeked boy with dark tasseled hair and dark puppy dog eyes.

"CONNOR!!!" Jc shouts barreling into my room.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I yell at him even though he is right in front of me.

he turns to Kian with  look of excitement. "Did he see them?" he then walks over to my secret stash of chips, and takes a seat on my bed

"Yeah, I just showed him." Kian says stealing some chips from Jc and shoving them in his mouth.

"Wha bid he fay?" Jc says with a mouth full of chips, that's so gross. I can barely understand him when he does that.

Some how Kian can perfectly understand him. " Well he said-"

"Guys I'm right here!!!!" I say waving my arms around. they just look at me for a second then go back to their conversation. why do they need me anyways? "Screw it I'm taking a shower." I say with defeat in my voice and walk out of my room. Wait... I want my chips. I walk back towards my room ,but stop in front of the door because I can hear what they are saying.

"why do we need him any ways?" I hear Kian say.

"because he has this weird gift of finding things we talk about. how do you think we met Kim Kardashian. remember we were talking about her with Connor then bam! we saw her at Starbucks. he was the one who spotted her first." Jc states. its true I did see her first.

"So, it could have been a coincidence."

"The Magically Missing TV Remote he found." Jc says flatly.

"whoah, your right he does have a weird gift."

I walk to the bathroom to take a shower forgetting why I turned around in the first place.

*half an hour later*

"I said whoop girl, bum bum, shock me like an electric eel." I sing as I walk down stairs to the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out a Arizona, open it, and take a sip. I turn around to find Kian and Jc which causes me to spit/chock on my drink. when the frick did they become ninjas?!?!?

"hey Connor how did you like The Awesome Life?" Jc says taking a seat at the island while Kian got his own Arizona out of the fridge then moved to follow Jc.

"They were pretty funny. I liked those Lizzie and Victoria chicks." I say. I saw something in Jc eyes when I said Victoria. but it was gone as quick as it came. was that.... jealousy?

"I thought Melissa was pretty cool." Kian says but looks away. I could see his cheeks get red. or just pretty period. he then snaps his head back towards me. "Hey, let's walk to Starbucks!" he says a little to excited.

"You know what, why not? it's a beautiful day in LA. let's go!" I say heading out the door with the two boys right behind me.

 the warm air hit me and it felt nice. Since I was kind of leading them I decided to take the long way, just cuz. as we turn the corner I hear a familiar voice. I turn away and pretend I'm not listening when I actually am so I can place the voice.

 "yeah! i wonder who we are going to meet?" she says "ooff." I look down at the girl who ran into me and lend out my hand. i see her face and I know who it is. Lizzie?!? wow i really do have a weird gift.

"Maybe you could meet me?" I say in the most charming way I could.

Her eyes widen with reconization and she gasps. "Connor Franta."  she knows me!!!! play it cool Con Da Bon. 

I smirk at her. "I see my reputation proceeds me." I take a bow.  seriously Connor we're copying Rumplestilskin now. you watch way to much Once Upon A Time. i really hope she didn't catch that.

she looks at me with an evil smile. oh, what a pretty smile. " i see i have found myself a fellow Once Upon A Time fan." she says.

I open my mouth to say more but is interrupted by a crashing sound. i turn around and see Melissa fly through the air and land in Kians arms.  nice catch Kian. "Are you alright?" he asks all protective like.

"Yeah, fine." she says with a smile.  why isnt Kian putting her down?

i hear a small giggle and turn back to Lizzie who's face is red from trying to hold in a laugh. " i totally ship those two. Kilissa forever!" she whispers in my ear. i laugh and turn back to Kian who is now tomato red and has finally put down Melissa, but they havnt taken their eyes off each other for a second. seriously just kiss already. 

i turn my attention back to Lizzie once again. "Hi I'm Lizzie Jane." she says with an outstretched hand and a smile.

"Connor Franta, um..... but you already knew that." i scratch the back of my head awkwardly and look away.

"I'm Melissa Andrews." Melissa says to Kian with a blush.

"Kian Lawley." he says also blushing.

"And I"m Jc!" Jc says stepping in between me and Lizzie.  crap i forgot he was here. 


(A/N) yay finally a longish chapter!!! How did you like it? Kain and Melissa seem to have a little something, same with Connor and Liz. And Jc, well, um, he's just Jc right now. please comment i would love to hear what you guys think of it so far.

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