Unknown Problems

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I'm bored so I am just going to post this. Yayyyyyyyy!


Connors POV

The jerk of the bus stopping wakes me up.  I smile at Lizzie as she sleeps. She looks so peaceful when she's not frowning or trying to hide her emotions.... or yelling at me for breaking stuff.

my smile becomes even bigger when I notice that our hands are still intertwined.  I move a piece of hair out of her face, and look at her remembering the fair. Still holding her face in my hand I lean in closer, and closer, then...... her eyes flutter open. 

I pull myself away from her and throw my hand behind my head before she fully wakes up. "What's up Lizzie? How was your nap? Good? I just going to get some coffee. Yeah, bye." I quickly blurt out and walk away awkwardly. I need help.

Lizzie's POV

I open my eyes to find Connor most likely having a mental break down. what's up with him? After he leaves to go get coffee or something along the lines of that, the bus driver informs me that we are at the hotel.

"Thanks for the ride." I say and go wake everyone else up, which is not fun. I thought I was bad to wake up, but waking up the rest of the girls, Melissa informed me to 'Never wake up a girl in the middle of her beauty sleep.'  I was scared for my life.

*Uno Hour Later* ( I used spanish! 5 points for Gryffindor!)

I lay upside down on the couch bored out of my mind. Jc and Victoria where playing Mario Cart on the TV in the hotel (it looked really cool upside down), Melissa and Kian were being all flirty and gross on the other side of the couch,  Trevor and Taylor went down to the pool, Carlee was asleep,  Laura and Sam are.... actually I have no idea where they are, and everyone else was in the kitchen. 

Ughh, So. Fricken. Bored!.... And hungry. I roll off the couch and make my way into the kitchen where Connor was on his phone, Megan was reading and Ricky was cooking.

"Me hungry." I say to Ricky and sit between Megan and Connor.

"Well guurrl,  Hold up, I'm making some macaroni, so calm your stomach." Ricky says waving his finger at me.  I put my hands up in surrender. 

After five minutes of watching Ricky cook I feel boredom renewing itself in me. "Do you put anything in the macaroni?" I ask.



"Cheese." He says giving me a 'Duh' face. Connor scoffs at Ricky's answer to my question.

"No, I mean do you put anything special in it."

"Macaroni,  is special all on its own." He pauses gives me a bowl filled with Mac & Cheese, then smirks. "Like you."  That was all Connor needed to burst out laughing, though Megan didn't even look up from her book. What the heck is she reading? 

I grab the bowl of food, glare at Ricky, and hit Connor on the back of the head. "Buttfaces." I mumble, but loud enough for them to hear, on my way to the porch. I don't like people.

I sit down on the porch swing on the balcony.  This hotel has class.. and a porch swing. I eat my delicious food and watch the sun set. Beautiful. 

"Yeah it is." I watch as Connor sits next to me. Did I just say that out loud?


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