The First Event

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...Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The day of the first true event of the TriWizard Tournament was a perfect fall day. The entire spectacle was exactly what Albus Dumbledore had hoped. There was media representation from all over the world. European magicals were as excited about it as they had been about the world cup. Attention had been drawn away from Grimmauld Commons and the school grounds and Hogsmeade were packed with fans.

The six champions were once again gathered in the anti-chamber. Each wore tailor made robes designed specifically for the tournament. To ensure fairness, the uniforms were designed to have the exact same magical and mundane resistance qualities, with minor differences between the boys and girls to account for the varying body types. The TriWizard uniform was a specially commissioned design by Cadmus Robes and Armor, which was magical Britain's premier armorer for the dueling circuit. Albus would have been irritated to know that some of the design inspiration had come from the Lycan Combat Uniform.

It was a one-piece singlet with long sleeves and legs. It was made up of over 1000 small octagonal "scales", individually crafted and charmed for flexibility and a specified amount of magical protection. Calf high boots had a similar amount of magical care and on the chest was a Norwegian Ridgeback scale plate that had been meticulously carved into the shape of each school's shield and integrated into a chest piece for each outfit. Finally, each uniform came with an ankle length cape.

Each uniform was colored to represent each of the schools, and it had been one of the major stories in the month since the champions were chosen, the effort Cadmus' tailors and enchanters had made to finish customization for the chosen champions and create three additional suits for the unexpected entrants. Cadmus' success and that no corners were cut to complete the order would increase their market share in the global dueling outfitters market and be another feather in the cap of Britain's resurgence on the magical world stage.

Harry and most of the other muggle raised and muggle familiar would see a similarity between the uniform and a certain fictional superhero but neither he nor anyone else would complain about that comparison, especially considering that he was basically a superhero to the magical world. And he would never complain about how the skintight outfits complimented the bodies of the Veela competitors.

After taking some pictures the champions were released to eat breakfast with their schoolmates. The champions entered and separated to join their schools as they had been instructed and were immediately met by a "pool" reporter that had been assigned to each school's champions. The reporter came with a cameraman and Harry had used his influence to have Colin Creevey be the assigned photographer for him and Ron. Another in a list of "gifts" that ensured Colin's loyalty for all time.

"Lord Potter, how do you feel the morning of the first event? It seems a ridiculous thing to ask considering your history, but...any nerves?" The reporter asked while Colin took a series of very professional pictures. Harry gave a charming smile and replied "It's not a ridiculous question. I have faced many challenges, but the day I face one without a bit of nerves is the day I know I have become too foolhardy to even attempt it."

The reporter smiled at the quote and turned to the other Hogwarts champion. "And you Sir Ronald, no one questions your magical powers, but the TriWizard tournament is supposed to be a competition of brawn and brain. And you have been quoted as saying that Guardian Brown and Ms. Granger are your brains most days."

Ron replied with a boisterous laugh that once again reminded the people around him of Godric Gryffindor and said. "It's true. If I was allowed to borrow my Hermione's mind, this competition would already be over, but don't worry I've knocked off the cobwebs and I think my brain will be turning pretty good when it's needed." The reporter thanked the boys and stepped back to an observation distance to gather background about how they would prepare for the day. He enjoyed this assignment; the boys were just as endearing in person as had been reported and had a gravitas that was hard to ignore.

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