First Cup

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The Rupert Scale (RS) is a measure of the density of the magical core within a human. A person's magical core doesn't change in size. Every human has the exact same size core, even muggles. What is typically referred to as "core growth" is actually an increase in the density of stored magic within the core.

The Rupert's Scale is the ratio of stored magic to core size as a percentage. A RS value of 0 is impossible as everyone has some magic in them and a RS of 100 is only theoretical and supposed represent a person that was completely one with magic. According to legend, Merlin achieved a RS value of 100 when he experienced a third magical maturity and it caused him to turn into a tree.

~0-10: Muggle

~0-15: Squib

12-45: Adolescent (12-15: Accidental Magic Range)

20-45: Average Adult Wizard

45-55: Powerful Wizard

55-60: Very Powerful Wizard

Above 60: Magic ("Light/Dark") Lord

For reference, Albus Dumbledore was a 60 when last measured at the beginning of the Great War, Gellert Grindelwald was a 61 and Lord Voldemort was known to brag that he was a 77, though that is unconfirmed.

-Excerpt, What's Happening to My Magic by Lynnette "Maddie" Arasdottir

...Lycan Forges Tent, Market District, Quidditch World Cup, West Sussex, England, UK

As Harry had suspected, greeting Seamus had led to meeting Seamus' parents back at the camping grounds, which led to some fun at Seamus' expense because England was facing Ireland in the semi-finals that afternoon. Seamus' consternation was because of the English national team's newest keeper; a former Gryffindor that Seamus had a man crush on named Oliver Wood. Seamus' parents even got in on the fun letting slip how much the young Irish fan had written them about "the best keeper, ever" in his letters.

Seamus took his ribbing in good fun especially since it encouraged his parents to stop truly embarrassing him by staring at Harry like he was Merlin. Seamus was mostly forgiving of his parents since they didn't have three years of Harry and his friend's craziness to inoculate them. Besides it was all worth it because they had brought Karli with them.

The famous muggle girl had not been with Harry when he met with Seamus in the markets but they had had to pass by the Potter/Black tent to get to his family and Harry had collected his "slave". He was always happy to see Karli but especially that day because he would never again have to try and describe to his father what he got to look at every morning while at school or why he had cancelled his Playwitch subscription.

Karli was dressed almost conservatively in a tight, backless mini dress. It had a halter strap top that showed off a generous amount of cleavage and was only long enough to touch her upper thigh. It was made of a nylon-like material and Seamus was sure he would be able to see through if not for the union jack pattern that was printed on it. He could still see her stiff nipples impressed in the material though something that was avoidable with a simple charm but that Karli would never use.

The day's collar was breathtaking. It was covered completely in diamonds with "SLAVE" spelt out in rubies and sapphires. Some people refused to believe it was the precious gem, but people like Seamus knew Harry would want to be as extravagant as possible. From the center of the collar, two diamond studded chains led to diamond studded cuffs she wore on each wrist. She wore high heeled white trainers with Velcro straps that read "SLUT" in rubies on one and "TART" in sapphires on the other.

Seamus was a little worried his father would have a heart attack from the presence of the "muggle slave". He knew how much the 16 year old beauty loved attention and was doing everything in her power to drive his father mad. Licking lips, arching back, and teasing peaks up her thigh. Seamus had to shake his head the one time his father fell out of his chair when Karli enticed him to look up her skirt only to deny him a peak at the last minute.

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