The Next Morning

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Harry arrived at the Burrow with Justine and Karli at eight the next morning. The plan was to have breakfast with the family and then travel to the Leaky Cauldron by flu before starting a long day of shopping. The Weasley's had not done their Hogwarts shopping either as they usually need additional time to save up enough money.

Money would not be an issue this year because as Retainers, the House of Potter had taken responsibility for the education of the children. That meant that Percy, the twins and Ron's school cost, including supplies would be handled by the Potter vault.

The same was true for Lavender, though her family had already completed her shopping and the Potter vault had just reimbursed them. They were not a wealthy family and Harry intended to get her some additional things that had been avoided for budgetary reasons.

The Weasley's hadn't checked their vault but if they had they would have found that cost for the previous years of education for Bill, Charlie, the twins and Percy had been reimbursed as well. That is 22 years of school fees, all combined and the Weasley vault was healthier than it had been in a while. Harry was determined to do what his grandfather couldn't.

Molly watched as Ginny greeted Harry with flushed cheeks, but very little embarrassment. The boy had hugged her daughter in greeting and she had accepted the hug graciously. She ended up sitting in between Karli and Harry and even though it was obvious her crush was in full affect she was smiling and talking and showing her full personality.

Once again Molly was thankful to the boy at the center of so much positive upheaval for her family. He had confronted Ginny's crush and left her feeling comfortable with herself and her feelings. She doubted any boy could compare now that her little girl had imprinted on Harry but possible heartbreak was a teenage problem.

Right now her daughter was Happy her crush was paying attention to her. She had also found a friend in the muggle girl. Molly was not as scandalized by the girls dress or manor as her children would think. She would not have had the courage to be so bold but she had tortured Arthur by accidently exposing herself to him for all of third year.

The first time she flashed her large breasts at him in fourth year in the library he had walked up to her and grabbed them. It was a much disheveled new couple that left the back stacks of the library that day. Molly smiled at the memory and had an idea. She called Justine over.

At the table Ginny was talking to Karli about her friend Luna. Luna Lovegood lived on the other side of the apple orchard from the Burrow and they had been playmates since they were little. They didn't play as much anymore. Her mother had died the previous year and Luna had witnessed it. Ginny and her mother had tried to help the girl but she wasn't the same.

Karli asked if they should invite the girl on their shopping trip. Ginny didn't want to impose but Harry had overheard and asked Mr. Weasley. Arthur thought it would be nice for the young girl to be around people closer to her age and a quick flu call later it was all arranged. Ginny was to go pick her up. Harry offered to join the girl as he was the one who offered the invite.

Ginny was walking alone with Harry and had just entered the path through the orchard that led to Luna's house. The last time she had been alone with Harry he had opened her robe and looked at her panties. She was not sure what she wanted him to do now but she wanted him to do something.

After a day with him and Karli she had become comfortable with the flirty language they used and more importantly comfortable with him. She was sure she would have handled the situation better if it happened now.

She was wrong. Harry had pulled her off the trail and said "What color panties is my pretty redhead wearing today." She was wearing a sundress as was her typical attire and he had just reached down and lifted the front above her waste. "Ooh blue. I like blue. Make sure you buy some more panties when we go shopping. I want more colors and patterns"

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