The ballad of Mooney and Padfoot

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...... Black Manor, 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England

Sirius Black watched the two scantily clad women walk around him as he sat at his desk. Hearing that his godson had a concubine, a sex slave and two girlfriends was a challenge to his position as ladies man and he smiled to himself that he had accepted that challenge.

He was still recovering from his time in Azkaban, and even though Harry and Remus had been daily fixtures with him, the constant movement of the happy gossipy girls felt good. "Who needs chocolate, when there are jiggling breasts and giggles to chase away the cold and the nightmares." He thought.

He had accepted the Headship of the House of Black and was now Lord Sirius Black, Duke of Gallotero, Earl of Cunningphrey, Baron of Blancaster and Knight Magicae of the Custodians of Shadow. The Custodians of Shadow were the chivalric order of the Black family and had not had a member since the turn of the century but hearing the story of Harry's first meeting had inspired him. He had inducted Remus and posthumously James. Harry would be offered a membership when he turned 17.

His first order of business once he took control of his family was to ask his account manager to review Narcissa and Bellatrix's marriage contracts to see if there was any breach. He had already decided to cast them from the House but he wanted to see if he could offer any humiliation first. Next he had brought Andromeda and her family back into the family or at least he informed them that their being cast out was not real as Orion had not truly had that power.

His reunion with his godson had been fantastic and filled with tears and forgiveness. The boy had insisted that he not only see a mind healer but also a muggle psychiatrist and he had to admit after almost a month, it was doing wonders for him. The psychiatrist didn't approve of the girls but Sirius just chalked that up to not knowing the horrors of Azkaban. If the muggle had known the real cause of his PTSD, he would have prescribed more women. Sirius chuckled to himself at the thought.

His godson also brought him up to speed on the plan for his House and for Remus and Sirius thought the idea of making Remus an Earl was the greatest idea ever. The wizarding world did not share easily and even knowing the loop hole existed, few would support giving out titles so easily.

His occlumency was rather strong as it had been in constant use to keep the Dementors at bay, but much damage had been done to his mind before he had strengthened them enough. As such he was able to access the family grimoire. It had taken him a week to come up with a ritual that would create a pack for Remus. It was similar to the magic that created the grimoires.

Sirius created the first ritual to create the pack book that defined the qualities of the pack. It had the name, Marauder. Sirius had laughed at the thought of Remus going by Earl Remus Lupin-Marauder or Lord Marauder. He had sobered after that. He wanted to be Lord Marauder. He was a dog animagus, "maybe I could join the pack" he had thought. The thought made him add animagus as a method for non werewolves to join the pack.

The second ritual allowed for entrance into the pack. The first requirement was to have no family or family magic, which meant you had to be disowned from your own family. He had tried to avoid that as he wanted to join the pack but the magic would not hold. He was disappointed but it was early indication that his method was right.

With no family or family magic making a claim on you, you could enter into the pack and accept the pack as family and the family magic of the pack. Sirius had figured since the pack would be wolves the family magic would bend toward hunting and tracking. His family had figured out a ritual that would tie a family and its magic to its ancestral land. He figured this was what was shared with the original Prima Potentia Magicae that rose them above the rest.

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