What Comes, Now

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Lavender stood in front of the mirror looking at herself. She could not wipe the smile off of her face. It was her job to think and analyze and assess so that she could give her Lord the best advice and she would do that, but in the moment, she was just joyous that she had been able to serve her Lord and do her duty. She had killed 4 men and would have killed the 5th in cold blood without hesitation despite him being stunned if not for the appearance of the Lycans. These thoughts made her feel giddy and fulfilled and horny.

She looked at her reflection and could see the signs of her own arousal reflected back at her. She was only wearing a pair of blue lace thong panties that she had applied a minor shrinking charm to. It was something all Ron's girls did. Her panties were only a smidge too small, but the effect was devastating as it kept the material pressed into her center and allowed the plump shape of her treasure and the post pierced through it to show through. It never failed to cause Ron's nostrils to flare when he looked between her legs.

Her first magical maturity had turned the already tall Lavender into a giant by normal witch standards, standing an inch above 6 feet tall. She was also perfectly proportioned for her size and gorgeous. She was currently topless, and her large DD and pert breasts rounded into a narrow waist and washboard stomach. Wide hips supported a firm heart shaped ass that caused all men to drool as she walked by and Ron's favorite position to be "doggy style". And holding it all up was a pair of very long slim legs that garnered as much male attention as her tight ass.

Everything about Lavender was beautiful. And she would have been a beauty without the magical influence of Harry Potter, but Harry Potter had come into her life. And along with the physical exercise and skills she had learned to be one of his closest retainers and bodyguards, she had also been able to achieve dual animagus forms, one of which was magical and gifted her with its powers. In addition, she had spent an entire spring term periodically feeding on elixir of life infused love from Mytsi. In the end Lavender was a sexy 14 year girl that could compete with any veela and win in many cases.

The image in her mirror reflected her horniness by the stiff peaks of her nipples, the dampness of her pussy and the lust in her eyes. All that paled in comparison to the pleasurable feelings her hands caused in her body by simply gliding across it. She wanted to fuck. No, she wanted to be fucked. To cap her perfect day with the reward of Ron pressed on and in her body.

As if called by her thoughts Lavender saw Ron come into view through the mirror. His nose was flaring, and his eyes were full of lust and Lavender shivered in delight. He was in the exact mood that she was craving, and they gave each other predatory smiles that promised a wild night.

Ron's form had been equally affected by Harry's addition to his life. His magical animagus form was that of an elephant sized bull and that had influenced him greatly when his magical maturity washed over him. He jumped from 5 foot 11 inches tall to a staggering, for a 14 year old, 6 feet 6 inches. More than that his weight climbed almost 100 pounds from 194 pounds to 286 pounds. If not for the fact that he was still fully human he would be easily confused for a teenage Lycan and not the teenage wizard he was.

... Office of the Minister of Magic, Ministry of Magic, London

Amelia Bones read the report again. The seemingly innocuous piece of parchment caused a great deal of turmoil within her and caused, for the first time in her tenure as Minister of Magic, a feeling of excitement. In addition to the content of what was written on parchment, her excitement was due to the author of the neat writing. It was a report of the incident at the Quidditch World Cup presented to her by the Unspeakables.

The attack had happened the week before and had thrown the end of summer into a wild time in Magical Britain. They had had casualties and the specter of the Death Eaters and their insane master had been foisted upon her nation, but she had to admit that she was proud of her people. The ministry had responded well, the Auror and Hit Wizards had been victorious, and the public was angry, not fearful. Into that environment, she had received a report from the Unspeakables.

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