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Harry potter woke up in odd place. Well odd was an understatement. Looking around he would have thought it was a grand library or museum. Stone floors with dark wood bookshelves and stands with weird statues on them. In the middle of everything was a giant stack of books, figurines and orbs.

All of the books and figures piled up were all black or dark red with a couple in green. "Where am I?" he thought and as soon as the thought entered his mind the giant pile of dark books shook and one book flew from the pile into his hand. He turned the book over and read the cover "mindscapes".

He looked up from the book and noticed a pattern in the center of the room inlaid into the stone floor. He recognized the pattern as one his mother and father had used in the ritual to protect him. Between the book in his hand and the pattern on the floor and the location, Harry figured he was somehow trapped inside his own head.

He looked at the protection rune and had a stray thought about dragons protecting their horde. The thought had come from his reading of the hobbit and how much the library he was in looked like the dragon's lair from the hobbit. Or how he imagined it. As the thought completed the rune glowed red and a creature started to form out of it. It didn't take long to recognize the shape of a large dragon, again at least how he imagined dragons would look.

Once formed the dragon was at least 60 feet long with 4 legs and a tail. It stood 20 feet from paw to shoulder. The creature had a head similar to that of a tyrannosaurus rex or similar lizard but with a more tapered snout, on the body of a lion or other large four legged predator and had a long crocodile-like tail. It was covered in large scales from its nose to its tail and on each "paw" was a set of large claws. It moved and Harry realized that it had a set of wings tucked into each side.

He was curious as to how far the wings spread when the animal raised unto its hind legs with a large roar and spread them wide. They had to be 50 feet from tip to tip. The animal calmed look at him and settled unto its stomach. The circular protection rune was on both of its shoulder blades. All Harry could think was "cool".

The Dragon looked at him and smoke started to slowly billow from its nose. Figuring nothing in his mind could hurt him he walked up the dragon and rubbed his hands up and down the large snout. "So cool". He turned and looked at the book still in his hand and sat down leaning his back against the head of his pet mind dragon.

He had prepared to sit there for a while reading the large book but as soon as he opened it, the book vanished and he felt the knowledge settle into his head. "Oh I'm going to like this" he thought to himself a giggled when he saw his thought written in the smoke drifting from the dragon's nose. Putting his new knowledge of mindscapes to work he turned the room he was in into a study.

The protection rune went from being carved into the stone floor to being embroidered into a plush carpet. One set of book cases circled the room but there appeared six doors that he knew lead to the remainder of the information stored in his mind. The dragon stayed the same holding him up.

The pile of books also remained unchanged. "How to organize this?" went through his mind and he watches as the words were written in the dragon smoke. He was not terribly surprised when 3 books flew from the pile and landed in front of him. He opened the three books and watched them disappear as once again the information settled into his mind.

After that it became a breeze. Books would fly toward him, then open then vanish. The figurines turned out to be muscle memories. While the orbs were just experienced memories. The figurines were mostly related to dueling but also included dancing and how to operate in pure blood circles.

When those showed up the dragon blew a plume of fire and Harry knew (though he couldn't tell you how) that the muscle memories needed to be put behind a control filter so he could call upon them when needed otherwise they would become instinctual and change how he would normally act or behave.

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