Study Room, Hogwarts Library, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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                       "Congratulations Theo. I didn't get to say it when we met over the summer, but I am impressed by all you were able to accomplish since we last met." Harry said magnanimously. Theo suppressed a scowl at what he thought was a condescending compliment and kept his face neutral. Instead he said graciously, "Yes, your words were well received." It was the closest the boy was willing to get to a thank you. Harry seemed unconcerned which grated on Theo's nerve even more.

Neville offered what was viewed by the Nott lord as a more sincere praise at what Theo had accomplished along with a congratulations on the boy's engagements. With the greetings completed Harry took control of the conversation since he was the one that called for the meet up. "Neville, I know you have some announcements to make and I appreciate you delaying them to allow or newest friend a chance to own the lime light on his own. But I would ask you to delay a further two weeks."

Both Neville and Theo looked at him incredulously. Theo figured Harry wanted the attention back on himself, but Neville was just curious. Neville had learned to trust Harry. More than that Harry had become like a brother to him and even though he was the "good cop" in their relationship with Theo, He wanted Potter and Longbottom elevated above the traditional dark house as much as Harry did. So, he internalized his smile of anticipation for Harry's latest scheme an adopted a look of concern.

Harry smiled toward his friend. Something that Theo didn't like. Sirius Black was making overtures toward his family and normally he would be receptive, especially considering how close Potter and Longbottom were, but the Black head was Potter's godfather and was less trustworthy than Longbottom in regard to Potter. Theo started to appreciate why Potter thought of him as negligent to his plans. Still for the moment, they all seemed to be working to the same goal of elevating their four families, so it behooved Theo to go along with Harry's plans until they no longer benefitted him.

"I have it on good authority that the Wizarding Daily and the Daily Prophet has at least a week of coverage to get through in their reporting about the House of Nott. I have to admit Theo you did a lot more than I expected and your family has shown itself deserving to be a Prima Potentia House." Theo's eye twitched but he could see why Potter wanted Longbottom to wait a week, Potter did not want overlapping stories and he did not want anything overshadowing his own house's accomplishments. "Why two weeks?" he asked before Longbottom could.

Harry brought out a photo. Like all wizarding photos, the figures in it were moving. Neville and Theo looked at in wonder as Sirius Black turned himself from a person to a monster. "He's calling it a Gargoyle bond and he is repressing the news. But he can only do that for a week" Harry told his fellow peerage members. Neville nodded in understanding and agreement. "What will you announce in the fourth week?" Neville asked, unable to believe that Harry would not want to be part of the rollout and already accepting Harry's request to allow the House of Black to be next.

"Actually, I do have some news, but the fourth week is the opening of the tournament and I don't want to share the pages with it. Also, none of what I did is time sensitive, so I could probably wait till next year." Harry said casually. Neville nodded in understanding, but Theo was annoyed. It seemed as if Potter was being fair and generous, but he didn't trust it. He let it go and instead turned his attention to the picture. Clearly Sirius Black had conducted a dark ritual. He weighed the "dark" actions against the man's ties to the House of Potter and decided that as long as it didn't involve House Potter, House Black may make a good ally.

"So, what you been up to Neville?" Harry asked. Theo was surprised when Neville actually told them. Neville who was much more used to (and comfortable) with Harry's casual attitude when in private, told them about Bertha's pregnancy, his Nekomata and his acquisition of Fairy villages, Wood Nymph groves and Water Naiad lakes. Neville finished with a smirk at Harry that Theo thought spoke of something that he didn't know. Harry nodded in acknowledgement of it and Theo scowled at feeling like a third wheel. He was also annoyed at Neville's announcements. They were very impressive.

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