The Week Rise

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......Entrance Hall, Ministry of Magic

Neville and Harry greeted each other at the registration desk of the Ministry of Magic. It was a classic photo opportunity to be seen by the press. Normally such things would be done in front of the Fountain of Magical Brethren, but both boys and their families had made it clear that the fountain represented everything that was wrong with magical society and they would not be seen supporting it.

It was evidence of how deeply certain feelings and behaviors ran in the culture of magical Britain that despite the recent upheaval within the country and the arrest and incarceration of so many dark wizards and witches, that the Potter and Longbottom block could not get the fountain removed or replaced. Even working together.

The ministry was once again packed with journalists from around the Magical world in preparation for the coming Wizengamot session. With the expected elevation of many families plus the fact that it was expected that the Wizengamot would be at full capacity again, or close to it, the number of press covering England even greater than normal. Camera's flashed as Neville and Harry greeted each other. They ignored the shouted questions as they walked off together toward the stairs that led to the Wizengamot Member Offices.

The press had arrived to cover the grand changes happening to magical Britain, but the two boys had stolen most of the headlines during the lead up to the monthly legislative session. They had made history when it was announced, via press release, that Harry Potter had brokered a deal between the newly formed Specialty Ingredients Inc. and the Longbottom Group.

Specialty Ingredients, Inc was itself in the news for the highly valuable Basilisks parts that it had put on sale. There was great speculation about the exact quantity of parts available. None of the people who had participated in the harvesting had been sworn to secrecy, it was just that the creature was so large, no one had a definitive estimate.

Into the newly excited industry of potion making and research, Longbottom Potions Research Ltd had announced that they had discovered a new potion. The potion in its base configuration would cure a multitude of magical maladies that was once considered incurable. Brain damage, spinal damage, and nerve damage was on that list. In addition the potion had a paste formulation that was reported to work on a variety of dark curse scars.

The announcement of the discovery generated two days of headlines and speculation. In a brilliant public relations move, the Longbottom group announced that they were donating a first batch of the paste to the Auror department within the DMLE. Enough to cover all existing scars held by former or current members of the force. After that the DMLE would receive a discount on future orders. A similar discount would be offered to DMLE equivalent agencies around the world.

The Potter group had introduced the idea of corporate philanthropy to the wizarding world when they did something similar and donated their Unforgivable-proof vests to law enforcement agencies around the world. The Longbottom Group had now responded in kind and it was sending shockwaves through the magical world.

The last news from the Potter and Longbottom groups was earth shaking. The wizarding world was already reeling from the new discoveries when it was announced that a deal had been brokered by Harry Potter. The young Lord had negotiated a deal with Neville Longbottom to sell the patent for the new potion advancement and all its variants, except the paste in exchange for five doses of the original potion made with ingredients from SI Inc.'s inventory.

The value of the five doses was explained by the discovery that a dose of the more potent version of the potion would cure the Lord and Lady Longbottom. Neville Longbottom's parents were currently being kept and cared for at Longbottom Manor. The story of what happened to them still a clear memory for most of magical Britain.

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