Hope Anew

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......The Shrieking Shack, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Security is a complex and difficult thing to create and maintain. Especially when dealing with a space that is public and intended to stay that way. The difficulties and complexities become even more daunting when that public space is a town. As with many things, magic makes securing a place like a town or village, much easier than it would otherwise be but it is still not a task to be taken for granted.

The town of Hogsmeade had been blessed with the very best in possible security. The wards that Harry Potter had woven into the town's protection would undoubtedly stop any direct attack against it. Most did not know, but in full defense mode, the town of Hogsmeade, along with the Hogwarts castle could stand against a combined assault by giants, dwarves and goblins. The upgrade provided by the Potter Wards truly made the town a fortress to match Hogwarts.

However, it was still a town and towns required free access in and out of it in most cases. That made defense against individuals with specific targets much more difficult. It was why Hogsmeade had a small Auror station. The Aurors had become much more skilled and effective in the last few years, but crime still happened not only in Hogsmeade but in the Wizarding world in general.

One of the most useful wards that were interlaced with the towns warding scheme and each family's home or business was called intent wards. They were used to protect treasures and would be able to discern the intent of an individual. More accurately they could be set to look for a particular intent. The downside was that the intent had to be highly focused and emotional for it to be detected. It made for a good protector from high crimes like murder and assault but were not as effective against petty crimes and crimes of opportunity.

Nevertheless, Harry had done his best. The fact that intent wards were near impossible to get before Potter Securities started providing them was a huge reason the instance of high crimes had reduced so much. Other wards included ones that reacted to dark creatures (using the Potter Securities standards) and outlawed symbols like the dark mark. Both would alert the local Aurors of their presence and automatically prevented entrance to a home, business or the entire town.

The truth was, however, that security could not make you completely safe and still allow you to live your life so "Constant Vigilance" and smart behavior was almost just as effective as all of the Potter warding schemes. The man skulking around town believed he was about to teach that lesson in spades. He had cleverly got around the ward protections and thought that the relaxed look of his targets meant they were not prepared for his attack.

......Flashback (Previous Day)

...... Marauder Manor, Marauder Estates, Devon

The wives and lovers of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, along with Alice Longbottom and Bertha Jorkins were having one of their many "get togethers". The purpose of this one was to talk about the upcoming wedding of the Lord Marauder and his Lycan bride, Stephanie. At least that was the excuse for the large gathering of women. Instead they were speaking about any and everything except the wedding.

For instance, Septima and Camille were talking animatedly about the courses that would be taught at the new Squib school, including ancient runes and arithmancy. On the other hand Michelle, Claire and Clarissa were having a very risquéé discussion about sexual techniques. Blanche was in that group listening and was undeniably impressed at the young twins' ability to keep up in a discussion about sexuality and seduction with a succubus.

Into this happy atmosphere a uniformed Lycan officer entered and approached Stephanie. A quick whispered conversation later, the lone male in the room bowed slightly and left. Before Stephanie could speak, Claire said "I love daddy and would never trade him, but you Lycans are scrumptious" Her comment caused a lot of laughter in the room.

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