Chamber Plots

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......Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The only discussion that was happening in the school revolved around the re-opened chamber of secrets. No one was surprised to see that the Gryffindors were wielding swords and daggers. Some were surprised to see the Hufflepuffs armed as well, though none who knew that hard work and loyalty went hand in hand with bravery.

The Gryffindor's had found an old rule in the rule books that had not been overturned and had started to wear swords. It had started with Fred and George Weasley who had worn real swords but meant it more as a prank. Unfortunately for them Professor Capstonson had seen them and praised them for their smart thinking.

Neville who was a fan of sword combat offered to provide swords for any who wanted one. His offer plus his comparisons to Lord Gryffindor of old was all it took to get the house on board with taking another step toward emulating the warrior mage that gave their house its name.

He had made the announcement on Saturday and by Sunday afternoon, Leland Abbot had arrived with many crates. Now Monday morning found every Gryffindor carrying a sword. Most had one from Longbottom but Harry and his cohorts, including the Weasley twins and their girlfriends had swords for the Lycan forges.

Neville had inspected the creations and thought they were very nice but the Lycans had not yet achieved legendary in their weapons forging efforts. The mass of students at the Gryffindor table looked very imposing as the boys had blades strapped to their backs and the girls had smaller daggers at their hips.

It was Neville who extended his offer to the Hufflepuffs and was the reason that table was also donning daggers and swords. At breakfast as the two houses intermixed to chatter about the choices each person made about the size and type of blade to carry that Neville was heard saying "Any smart Gryffindor knows to have a Hufflepuff cover is back. Who else can we trust to save us from our own recklessness?"

The Hufflepuffs had laughed at the statement but the laugh turned to pride when the Gryffindors let out a cheer of approval and respect. Cho had only meant to tease when she asked if he didn't want a Ravenclaw at his back too. Neville showed that Harry might be a hero but he would be the grand politician when he replied. "Perhaps, but I would rather have you to tell us which way to point our wands or we would have no clue."

Both the Hufflepuffs and the Gryffindors cheered and many of the Ravenclaws blushed at the praise. Especially since it was a paraphrasing of a well-known Ravenclaw saying. As the noise died down Neville raised his goblet and said "To the Slytherin's and their plots. Without them we would not have a field on which to do battle."

The room erupted in laughter, including some smirks from the Slytherin table. Neville had made the type of comment that appealed to the Slytherins. It was a beautifully phrased back handed complement. Draco especially smirked at the words as it described what was happening at the school in that very moment.

As was to be expected, Albus Dumbledore had tried to put a stop to having armed students in the hallways. Hermione had pointed out how ridiculous the objection was as the entire school was already armed with wands. She had blushed crimson when she realized she had spoken her thoughts out loud and caused the headmaster and his deputy to stare at her.

It was Lavender's reassuring presence next to her and Ron's smile that gave her the courage to not shrink back from the glare the headmaster was giving her. When the man ignored her to continue addressing Neville and Harry who he had assumed were responsible. Hermione blushed again, this time in pleasure, when Ron whispered "good girl" in her ear.

Albus fumed as Neville pointed out that they were within their rights to carry auxiliary weapons and that is was not in violation of any rule. In fact the proper way to carry a sword or dagger was outlined as part of the dress code. Albus had tried to suppress the rule books and maps that had appeared when the wards were renewed by the House of Potter but had been unable and now that failure was causing him greater frustration.

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