Christmas and Beyond

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......Gryffindor First Year's Girl's Dormitory, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

It was the morning the Christmas break was to start, it was still dark out and Hermione woke up in the arms of Lavender. She smiled as she reflected that the last 2 months were as wonderful as the first two months were terrible. After that Halloween night, Ron had taken it as a given that she was his girl and even though she tried to pretend that it wasn't necessarily true, he just ignored her and kept taking liberties with her.

He would put away her books in the middle of her studying, saying she was only aloud one revision per night instead of her usual four. She would be indignant and he would kiss her and she wouldn't remember why she was mad.

She had tried to do the same to force him to study more and he would just hand her his completed homework and go back to playing chess or hanging out with one of the boys. She would look it over with a red inked quill determined to find something wrong with it and while it was the bare minimum required, it was always accurate.

The worst and the best was that he and Lavender started making her sit with them in the back of classes and she was only allowed to raise her hand 6 times per class or they would start to mess with her. Mostly Ron would stick his hands between her legs and rub her through her panties.

The first time they had done that she had closed her legs on Ron's hand. He just looked at her sternly. After a minute long staring contest she had lowered her head, blushed and opened her legs. She noticed that Ron did the same to Lavender when she asked too many questions too.

She was sure they were causing her grades to slip but they hadn't. Her grades were the same except now people talked to her without seeming irritated. The last day of classes she had decided to be naughty and get a little revenge on her boyfriend and girlfriend.

She had raised her hand one too many times and then smiled when Ron slipped his hand up her skirt. She smiled again when Ron discovered she hadn't worn panties. After class, Ron had pulled her to empty class room and with Lavender standing guard had lifted her skirt and stared at her body.

Then he sat, pulled her over his lap, exposed her bum and spanked her for being a naughty girl. She had wet his pants with her cum. It was so exciting to be spanked in a classroom like that. He had given her ten hard swats then lifted her and made her straddle his legs. He kissed her and she felt him pressing into her.


That night Hermione and Lavender shared beds and the blond girl confessed that sometimes she purposely did things he told her not to do. She liked his spankings as well. The two girls had giggled and that had turned into kissing.

She looked at herself and couldn't remember when the clothes came off. She was naked and Lavender was cupping her small breasts. She was warm and happy so she decided to steel some more sleep before they had to get up. When she relaxed she heard a soft "good girl" and blushed.

......End Flashback

......Third Floor Corridor, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Harry stood outside the door and took a deep breath. He had used his time since finding out about the stone being in the castle to create a duplicate stone. Without the potion he was unsure if it would make a convincing replica.

He was sure it wouldn't fool Flamel but he was hopeful it would fool Dumbledore. Runically it was an exact match. He had put a self-destruct rune on a sub layer along with one that would poison any elixir that ever got made using it. For it to produce elixir, it would need the potion and he wasn't sure if Dumbledore had that.

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