When A Plan Comes Together pt 1

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......Somewhere Within the Pipes, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The large creature moved through the castle to the rendezvous point. It was excited as it was time for the masters plan to be enacted. Many times in the last months as the master insisted that they hold while he made arrangements, the large snake considered whether it was time to kill its master as it had planned. But not only had the master been smart enough to never leave himself open to an attack but the master was able to convince it that the plan was working rather well.

Listening to the master tell of the fear and disorder caused by the killing of the two children excited the large snake. Pleased that it was finally completing his first masters final revenge against the fools who would allow the unworthy within the castle. As it moved, it passed two students walking together. The red hair reminded it of his first master's most hated enemy and so it used its gaze on the student and their companion before moving on to the ambush point where the last victim was found. After completing the kill, the Snake slithered back to the chamber pleased.

......Changing Rooms, Quiditch Pitch, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Ron and Harry received the signal from Athena, who had watched over Hermione until she had been petrified. They nodded solemnly to each other before exiting the changing rooms and moving on to the Quiditch pitch. The Bludgers had just been released when Professor McGonagall arrived. After a quick word with Madame Hooch and a Sonorous spell cast upon herself, the deputy headmistress announced that the match had been cancelled and all student were to report to their common rooms.

When the stadium was clear except for Harry, Ron and the Professor, she turned to them and said "Your plan might have worked a little better than expected, Mr. Potter. Not only was Hermione petrified but so was Percy Weasley and Ms. Clearwater. The two boys looked at each other before following the Deputy Head who had briskly started walking away.

......Hospital Wing, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

By the time they reached the hospital wing they had been joined by all of the girls and they silently entered the large room together. They quickly moved to Hermione's bed which was set up with a curtain around it and looked down at Hermione's face which was stuck in a smirk. The look on her face caused Tracey to snort. "Only Hermione would face a giant snake with a smirk on her face."

No one was able to return a comment as Tracey's snort had drawn out Madam Pomphrey from her office. Typically she would not allow that many students to visit at the same time but even the noise she had heard, had been quiet and when she saw Ron and Harry move on to look at Percy she decided to leave them be and go back to her office.

Harry looked over at the still forms of Percy and Penelope. They had not been part of the plan, but he was pleased that they had been involved. They were both considered part of his group and Percy was a member of the family sworn to him. His response would be more than justified. He looked over to see Ron take Hermione's hand. Lavender broke the silence by saying "I wonder how turned on she is from being so completely restrained"

That caused everyone to laugh. Hermione and Ron's bondage games had become the stuff of legends. Harry recalled the time he helped Ron secure the great hall and tying Hermione to the headmaster's chair. Or the time his invisibility cloak had been brought out of retirement to leave her naked in Charms class. Hermione truly loved to be tied up and restrained and it only just occurred to Harry that when Ron volunteered her he was being both a good aid to Harry and a good master to Hermione.

After having a chuckle and discussing some of the things he should do to her while she was in that state to tell her about later, the group put their game faces on. It was time to move to the next phase. Harry called an elf to bring their dueling robes and when it arrived, they all changed into them. Next, all their dragons were called forth from the various tattoos where they rested. Karli along with Isis and Sarah would stay to guard Hermione but the remainder moved toward the door of the hospital wing.

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