Camping Grounds, Quidditch World Cup, West Sussex, England, UK + 2 hours

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"A thousand years ago, we were completely enslaved by the Vampire Clans. Most people in the world, both muggle and magical, did not know this. Most people in Bulgaria did not know it. It wasn't just our homeland, the vampires had complete control of a quarter of Eastern Europe and Bulgaria was one of their capitals. Perhaps their main capital. We were separated into the very few who were recruited to one day join their vile ranks and everyone else who were little more than food for them. The muggles were not even that, treated like vermin to be murdered on a whim. Then, a civil war broke out in the highest ranks of the abominations and it decimated their clans, but more importantly the civil war gave the people a chance to revolt. We have been at war with the creatures ever since. We shall give everything, even our souls to end their infestation. Each moment we strike. Each day a new victory. Until they are no more." The final refrain, "Each moment we strike. Each day a new victory. Until they are no more.", was repeated by the men and women of the Ochistuvanesluntse before they moved to prepare themselves. It was not a cheer or a yell, but a somber promise spoken out loud. They had heard the story before. It was told before each mission to focus them. To remind them of the greater good that justified whatever atrocity they were about to commit. For the people who joined the Ochistuvanesluntse, all that mattered was the eradication of all vampires. The Ochistuvanesluntse was born from that civil war that decimated the vampires. Founded by the slaves that had been kept by the vampires for food. In the confusion of a brood war, the unnamed slaves of a master vampire killed all the thralls. So arrogant had they become that the thralls and slaves were kept together while the vampires fought. Not one traitor of humanity survived, and none died cleanly. Justice was carved from their flesh before they were allowed to die, cleaned by the bright sun of righteousness. Those slaves, re-armed with wands from the dead traitors moved through the manor house and whenever they came upon two vampires fighting, would murder them both. At the end of the battle, no one suspected them. When the slaughtered thralls were found, it was assumed that the group of humans included the slaves, so little was the care Vampires had for those beneath them. The slaves stayed in hiding sneaking unto vampire battle grounds and secretly killing the thralls and any fighting vampires they came upon. No mercy was ever shown to the thralls and as more slaves were recruited the atrocities against thralls escalated. A thrall in the hands of the newly named Ochistuvanesluntse faced worse tortures than even the vampires. It may even be when the Unforgivables were first developed. In the end the Ochistuvanesluntse found the people and the war to free the people began. But still the Ochistuvanesluntse stayed in the dark, unknown to the vampires until after the war was over. Then in the 1700's, a vampire seduced the family of one of the members. One by one his family fell under the vampire's power. The Ochistuvanesluntse murdered them all with his own hand. And he did not stop with the members of his family under thrall. He killed them all so that none would ever be used against him again. "I will never see them again as my place is in hell for what I have done. But my family is in heaven free from the vampires reach." The man had said after returning from his self-assigned mission. That time taught them that there could be no mercy, no action too extreme if it meant eradicating vampires. Women, children, whole villages fell under the light of the cleansing sun if it meant killing a clutch of the vile creatures. And in remembrance and to prevent such a betrayal from

ever happening again, each man and women in the group had personally killed their entire immediate family as their final test before membership. Teodor Chivu was the leader of the Ochistuvanesluntse. Normally, he would not join his men on a mission to kill a vampire. But this was not just a mere vampire and more needed to die than just her. He was the most powerful mage in the organization and it was his duty to make sure this vampiress died. It was his voice that spoke the history before this mission and it was a duty he had not had to do in many years, but all would agree that his voice was appreciated at the beginning of such an important mission. After a moment passed to internalize the words, Teodor started issuing commands. The entirety of the Ochistuvanesluntse, minus 12, were there, three hundred seven men and women. None of them would give up and would die to see the vampires and her thralls dead. And in the event that they all fell. The 12 would rebuild the order. It had happened before, but, like the vampires the Ochistuvanesluntse were immortal and this creature would eventually fall. The Bulgarian minister was not a member of their order but he like every minister before him was committed to their cause. If he wasn't they wouldn't have allowed him to become minister. They had had to "remove" traitorous voices in the government before. The minister had not only given them a way into England but had provided additional soldiers to act as distraction. A scout came in and told him that the Potter heir, his retinue and his sluts had left the Black tent. Teodor snorted in disdain, "The rot caused by the vampiress was obvious and though it will be sad to lose such a long lived family line as the Potters, they were already dead because of the creature. We will just be putting them out of their misery." He said. He would mourn the family when this was over. 287 men would go with him to kill the vampiress and he sent a team of 20 to kill Potter's circle. The plan was set. 10 teams of six soldiers dressed as Death Eaters would attack the campground and in the turmoil of the attack the Ochistuvanesluntse would kill everyone in the Black tent plus Harry Potter and his entire circle. 287 of his order was enough to overwhelm the tent and 20 would be sent for the 9 magical teenagers and 2 muggles. It may have been overkill to provide so much resource for Hogwarts students, but word was that the Potter boy was particularly skilled, and Teodor was not one to take chances.

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