The Chamber Opens

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......Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The night after Harry and Ron won their positions on the quiditch team, they celebrated with their new teammates in the common room. The secret of what Lavender had promised Ron if he succeeded was revealed when Hermione came down dressed in a copy of Karli's school girl outfit and got on a table in front of Ron and the rest of the dorm and did a very sexy go-go dance.

She was joined by Karli after a few minutes and the two girls drove the heat up in the room by kissing each other. A few transfigurations and Alicia, Angelina and Katie joined the girls. A few more and Fred and George joined the table dancing wearing nothing but speedos. By the end of the night the whole team was scantily clad.

Later that night after thoroughly satisfying his girls, Harry Potter found himself confronted by yet another beautiful girl. Unfortunately he was in a bathroom and more unfortunate was that she was a ghost. She seemed a little weepy but Harry knew that the girl just needed someone to listen to her. It was only a second into their conversation that he recognized the girl as Myrtle Warren, one of the victims he meant to bring justice to this year.

He listened to her as she told the story of her untimely death and how it came after being bullied by another student. When Harry told her that he didn't like bullies and that he liked to stop them, the girl started crying again and told him she appreciated it. He couldn't rub her back as he would with one of his girls but he did make all the right encouraging and sympathetic sounds.

He told her that he had been looking into the secrets of Hogwarts and had heard of her death but didn't know she had become a ghost. He told her that now that he had discovered her he was even more determined to avenge her death "if for no other reason than for denying the world such a pretty girl" Myrtle giggled at his flirtation and thanked him for trying to avenge her.

Myrtle Warren had been dead for almost 50 years and as a ghost she was stuck in the age and maturity that she was at her death. But time is ever moving and though she still was trapped with the mind and body of a 14 year old she had 50 years of experience to call on. It was an odd sort of maturity that was difficult to understand if you were not a ghost.

What it meant is that Myrtle was quite pleased with the attentions of the young boy wizard but cynical enough to know that he would become bored with her soon enough. She liked that he had called her pretty but she was still cursed with glasses and she was stuck dressed in the frumpy uniform she died in. All the other women ghost were all wearing beautiful gowns and gorgeous jewelry but she had to be stuck in Ravenclaw robes that were out of style in 1943.

Despite her lack of faith in the boy she found herself enjoying her time with him. She found herself wanting him to like her and she was embarrassed that she had just came from a toilet when he met her. She blushed at the thought and then blushed deeper when he noticed her blush. She asked him "How can you even tell that I am blushing, I am a ghost".

He looked at her with a smile that made her feel weak in the knees, or whatever the ghostly equivalent is, and said "I make sure to pay attention to the details when I am flirting" She could not deal with this boy anymore and had to leave but she didn't want to go back down the toilet so she disappeared down the sink drain with as much dignity as possible. Harry called after her "I'll be back tomorrow and we can talk again" and smiled to himself when he heard the squeak come back up the drain.

Despite what the girl might think of herself, Harry knew that he had just met a very well built young girl and was curious about what fucking a ghost would be like. He put that aside as a thought for another day and refocused on his mission for the night. He opened the chamber entrance, called for stairs and entered the chamber closing the entrance behind him.

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