4 Privet Dr., Surrey, England

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It had been three years since his life had changed for the better and Harry Potter was now eagerly awaiting his Hogwarts letter. He had quickly discovered that the protection ritual that activated to destroy the Horcrux had also granted him some magical gifts. More likely, was that it gave him access to dormant gifts that was already within him. None of the arithmantic calculations he had done suggested what happened to him would magically create such gifts.

He had become superhuman and he intended to expand his investigation to discover if it would give him the source of his powers. He could run very fast and had clocked himself at a max sustainable speed of 70 mi/hr. He could maintain that speed for almost an hour though it left him very tired and hungry.

He was also very strong. He hadn't found his upper limit but could lift cars above his head with ease. Lastly he was incredibly flexibly and could put any gymnast to shame. The closest he had found to describe his physical skills was to say he was like Spiderman without the ability to stick to walls.

The best of his skills though he had only learned to appreciate in the last year. He was extremely attractive to the opposite sex. After the change he had noticed that women of all ages started to pay more attention to him. But he had at first just considered it part of the better treatment he was getting in the neighborhood since his relatives had been found out.

By the time he was nine he had figured it to be just some sort of natural charm. But on his 10th birthday he was called into Nurse Chambers' office and experienced the next great change in his life. The day he discovered his sexual charm and his ability to satisfy women.


The visit started as all his other visits with her had started; recording his stats. He was well above average now at 100 lbs. and 5'1" tall. He looked closer to 13 than the 10 he was. After all the measurements were taken she sat him down and talked with him about his schooling and his home life. Harry still considered himself and her freaks even though he knew that his brand of freakiness, magic, did not apply to her.

Despite her first warning to him, he found that she seemed to like it when he called their discussion the "meeting of the freak council". The conversation had become typical. All was going very well for him. All his teachers thought he could be skipped a grade but his previous trials had them all agreeing to leave him in his grade level where he could make and keep friends.

His home life was also good. His relatives still hated him but their treatment was more about ignoring his presence than actively trying to harm him. Over the course of the talk it became clear to Harry that Nurse Chambers was flirting with him. He would not have noticed it if not for the lessons he had absorbed from Voldemort. The lessons and memories had just become more useful to him as he entered puberty and he decided he would practice his skills on the beautiful woman in front of him.

That was the beginning and it took until the end of the class day to realize that his effect on girls and women was another of his powers. The realization came from comparing a typical sexual encounter from Tom's memories with what had happened to him. Tom, in his youth, had been a master at charm and seduction and had never gotten such a powerful reaction from a woman while doing so little. Reviewing the memory he also noticed small fluctuations in his magic at key points during the encounter that suggested that he was pumping magical pleasure into key spots on the nurse's body.

...End Flashback

His relationship with Justine was ongoing and while he had held himself back from having full intercourse with the woman or allowing her to do anything to him besides kissing. He had at the same time and with Justine's knowledge explored the normal sexual discovery games with the girls within his peer group as well. It was his desire to develop his own sexuality that had limited his progress with Justine. He believed having sex would have put too much distance between him and the girls his own age and make him more dependent on his stolen memories than his own lessons and experiences.

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