Light the Ciger

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Abandoned Classroom, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

It was the second month since the beginning of the new school year and Albus Dumbledore was once again standing in a second floor room waiting on the arrival of Harry Potter. He could not understand why the boy had yet to show up. He had added a compulsion on the cloak along with the curse to allow him to detect when someone was wearing it around him.

The idea that the brash boy wouldn't use it was so far out of the realm of possibility that Dumbledore had not thought to put a tracking charm on it. He had hoped to catch the boy here and find out what his greatest desires were.

He had already cast the charm on the mirror to be able to see the same thing that a person saw when they were in front of it. He looked to the mirror and thought he saw something reflecting in the surface but when he moved forward it was just his greatest desire.

Albus saw himself being hailed as the next Merlin. People were starting to say "great Albus" when they were frightened or shocked. Next to him was Harry Potter staring at him with worshipful eyes and on his other side was a reformed Gellert Grindelwald holding his hand. He sighed and pulled himself from in front of the mirror. It would be too easy to get lost in those images and he couldn't afford for that to happen.

Unknown to him Harry Potter was standing next to him invisible and undetectable under his family's invisibility runes. He had accidentally found the mirror and was curious as to its use and why Albus Dumbledore was standing in the corner watching it.

The man's mumbling gave him the info he needed. He thought it funny what he, himself, saw in the mirror. It was him surrounded by a bevy of beautiful naked women and them surrounded by a bunch of green eyed children.

Unfortunately for Harry, Albus' spell was not specific to the caster and so he could see Albus' greatest desire and he was weirded out by his part in it. He was about to leave when he saw Albus pull out the fake stone he had left. In the end Harry was rather impressed with the layered intent charm. Using the mirror's ability to bypass mental defenses, Dumbledore had made it so only someone who wanted the stone but had no immediate desire to use it could call it from the mirror.

Albus sighed at another failed endeavor when it came to Harry Potter and returned to his office. On his way he ran into Severus Snape who immediately started ranting about Harry Potter and how much the "arrogant boy" ran the school.

What was new was his complaints against Minerva and how he, Albus, should tell her to dress more appropriately as she was distracting his students. Albus chuckled to himself. He was gay but even he recognized how beautiful Minerva had become and Albus was pretty sure it wasn't his student's distraction Severus was concerned about.

Minerva had on multiple occasions reduced the man to a blubbering mess and then laughed at him. It was Lilly Potter all over again. He had tried to take his frustrations out against Professor Capstonson but that had failed spectacularly as the man was actually more skilled with the Dark arts and its defense than even Severus.

Albus did not know what happened but one morning a pale Severus Snape had entered the great hall and had refused to talk to anyone and had not engaged either Minerva or Kyler again. Now he just complained that her robes were too tight.

Albus was not about engage Minerva on that. It would not be beneficial to his health to imply that Minerva was dressing like a slag, especially since her outfits while very attractive were wholly appropriate.

He was able to drown out the whining man until he reached his office where he just entered and let his gargoyle seal up behind him cutting off the man. He no longer had the patience for the platitudes he normally gave the man.

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