Return of the King

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......Black manor, Grimmauld Commons, London

Dobby looked around his room and smiled to himself. He had not known what it meant to be happy but with his acceptance back into his true and proper family, he had to admit that he had thrived. Not only had the magic of the family repaired the years of neglect, it had fixed his magic. He had even mated with Winky and there was to be a new Black elf birth for the first time in almost 300 years.

But today was for closure or that is what Master Black called his assignment for the day. He went to his wife who was smiling at him and kissed her. "I only do this because he insists" Dobby tried to explain. Winky looked at him with mirthful, but doubtful eyes and said "I am sure that is true, husband". They smiled at each other again and Dobby vanished with a soft snap. Winky rubbed her belly and let out a contented smile.

......Kings Cross Station, London

Draco Malfoy looked on in disgust as the Potter clowns passed through the barrier. He hid a sinister grin as he thought of the evil that had been unleashed against them. His eyes found the target of their attack and saw the little red headed bitch smiling. He was sure that smile would not last long.

He rubbed his wrist where his hand had been re-attached and forced himself not to scowl. Most of the pain he had endured at his father's hand had been due to his inability to control his emotions and not scowl or smirk at every moment.

He felt his father's presence and clamped down on his feelings to force his face into a neutral mask. It had not been easy but his father's wand was an able teacher. The man nodded at him and then left him to find his own way to the platform.

This was part of his training. His father no longer stayed with him and guided him at all times. It was done to break him of the habit of expecting the man to solve all of his problems. Draco thought it was just that his father didn't want to face the shame of his fall from grace. People who they had once intimidated now laughed at them openly. Draco could not suppress the scowl at that and felt a phantom pain in his wrist because of it.

The area was clear and he moved to pass through the barrier and fell on his butt when he ran into it. He cursed loudly and jumped back to his feet. After two more failed attempts he realized he was drawing attention to himself. Flustered he left the station. Outside the station, he fumed in impotent rage, not knowing what to do and afraid to call his father.

He noticed a sleek black vehicle parked on the road and his anger spiked as he recognized it as a Potter Siren. The vehicle had been debuted in the Potter Magicars Dealership in the Grimmauld Commons shopping district. One was parked outside Quality Quiditch Supply in Diagon Alley as well.

Draco would never admit out loud how amazing the thing was with its curved lines and chock full of magical comforts. He hated Harry Potter for having it and all the idiots' friends for getting to ride in it. His frustration and anger was getting the better of him and he was on the verge of tears when something in him snapped.

His father had bought him a Nimbus 2001 to help him make the Slytherin Quiditch team. It was part of the plan to put Draco in a position to be influential within his house and it was the coolest thing he owned. If Potter could drive around in a Siren, Draco thought it only right that he get to ride his broom and since he needed to get to school that is where he would go. As he mounted his broom and took off he had visions of the hero's welcome that would await him when he arrived at school in style.

Dobby looked on in shock as the boy rose into the air and then was shot down by an Auror. He had simply aimed to irritate the boy who had made his time with the Malfoy family terrible and add some embarrassment to the family name. He never expected Draco to act so ridiculously. Master Black would be proud even if it was not part of his plan.

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