Fee Fi Fo Fum

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......Forbidden Forest, Outside the Hogwarts' Ward Boundary

Aranir and her two companions had arrived at the school. They could all feel the pressure of the powerful wards less than fifty meters in front of them. Aranir walked up them and pounded her fist against the invisible barrier. She was not trying to break the ward, she was just announcing her presence.

The way wards reacted to giants was another in the long list of questions she hoped to research and find answers to

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The way wards reacted to giants was another in the long list of questions she hoped to research and find answers to. No matter the purpose of a ward, giants could pound against it as if it was a wall. Even passive wards, whose purpose was not meant to stop people but rather monitor them, giants could concentrate and pound against them.

And with enough pounding, any ward would collapse under the weight of giants pounding against them. In the days that giants were recruited for wars and various battles, giants would just pound against the wards of an enemy encampment until the whole thing collapsed. The durability that their size offered them meant they could stand in the open and shake off most forms of attacks, magical or muggle.

That was not Aranir's purpose. She doubted her entire colony could muster the strength to collapse the wards in front of her. She estimated it would take at least five full colonies to do that, which was impressive. No one could get that many giant colonies to work together.

Suddenly a small gold bird and a house elf appeared on the other side of the ward boundary. She figured that they had arrived to find out what she wanted and so said "My name is Aranir, I and my fellow travelers seek out Rubeus Hagrid." The tiny creatures looked at her a moment before vanishing.

In short order, a group of people were looking at her, none of them the person she had asked to see, and were peppering her with questions. She expected a bit of panic when they arrived and was just glad that the worst-case scenario of finding a person eager to "shoot first and ask questions later" had not occurred. Still she was annoyed that no one wanted to get the person she had asked for.

......Office of the Minister, Ministry of Magic, London, UK

Amelia was sure that she would retire after one term in office. Not because the work was too daunting, but rather the opposite. She was ridiculously bored. She was in the process of raising the standard of efficiency for the Ministry of Magic to what was in the DMLE but unlike when she was a department head, as Minister, she was not able to be as hands on as she liked.

She made sure to visit departments randomly to make sure her orders were being executed as she intended but the day to day work of straightening out the Ministry was left to various underlings. She missed getting her hands dirty and she was bothered that in exchange for the tedium of the job she had given up the ability to know all of what Harry Potter and his cohorts were up to. She was sure they had more fun than the ministry.

She looked over at Fang who seemed to relish the absolute lack of activity that surrounded the office and wondered if perhaps the animal would not make a better Minister of Magic. She chuckled to herself at that thought. If nothing else she at least got to enjoy the shock and we she inspired as she walked through the ministry.

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