Chapter : Alternate Ending ---

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(I updated the chapter 33 please re-read it <3. I've finished the story, so now I'm doing the alternate relationships and a epilogue.)




Opening the door i see nobody standing there. I hear thuds of shoes running off down the streets and I instantly knew kids were playing 'knock n run'.

I would say how immature it is but then it'd be waste of time. Most people have done it so it'd be a waste of breath. Besides either way, its not like i can stop them i don't know them.

Closing the door and locking it behind me, i walked off to sit by the couch nobody was home, My brothers were god-knows where. But i had a feeling they were somewhere safe. My dad and step mum flew back over to the other side of the world. They had decided to finish their tour the world early and come back to it later on. In two more months and we'll actually be a proper family. But until then i was stuck inside a lonely household, i sighed. If this is how my life is going to be way in the future i don't want it.

I was all alone with nobody around. Where were my friends when i needed them.

Letting the boredom take over me, i picked up my phone and made a group message.

'Get your buts down to my school basketball courts as soon as you can. Its a basketball emergency. Be there before 5 ó clock or I'm leaving. Tamiko :P'.

"There that should do it!" I said picking myself up and getting ready to go out.

At the Basketball Courts.

Getting there i hummed to my favorite tune letting the breeze blow my hair everywhere.

Setting my stuff down i wait around. It was 2:55pm and nobody was here yet.

Picking up my basketball i shoot some hoops. Getting the rebound then following it up with a layout.

I heard a lazy whistle and turned my head mid-shot.

Just as if they had planned it all, they all arrived at the same time. Geez these boys.

Even Ichiro was there, good.

"So whats the emergency?" i hear Kise.

"oh yeah about that i lied, it was just an  excuse to get you out here." i admitted. "But there is something i'd like to talk about."

'Okay's' were heard, while i throwing some hoops again.

"You know how you guys made that deal? you know-l what I'm on about the one about me. I've been thinking and its best we put it behind us."

"what.." i heard

"Well its just i can't choose just one of you when i don't know who i like at the moment. I mean your all pretty charming in your own way..." i say bouncing the ball. Making sure to whisper the last part, but I'm pretty sure they still heard. "Besides its better this way. Nobody gets hurt less than the other. And if by chance in the dear future, my feelings change. I'll be sure to let you know and if you still like me yay, if not too bad for me, I lucked out." I continue.

"Its for the best, after all i'm just Tamiko and lets face facts i'm replaceable. I mean some of you properly don't even have a proper crush. It'll just grow out eventually."

"So this is where I'm drawing the line. I'm happy as we are, friends, and I really appreciate it if you were too!"

"Wait did we just get..." Kise started.

"Friend..." Kagami joined in

"Zoned..." Then Aomine.

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