Chapter 2:

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Tamiko was sleeping happily until she was woken up by her alarm clock at exactly 6:30am. *BEEP* *BEEP* *CLICK/SNOOZE*

*yawns* *stretches* "Time to get ready for school" she says getting out of bed.

She did her usual morning routine...

Get dressed, eat, brush teeth, make pack up for three, slip on her shoes and leave for school.

"What a beautiful day today!" Tamiko told herself. "Time to start a new, yesterday is now a figure of the past while today is brand new!"

*Time Skip to school*

"I'm finally here, I've got to find Ayaka-Chan and Ichiro-kun and tell them the news" she muttered to herself.

"I wonder if their on the tennis court...Tennis...WAIT...OH NO TENNIS PRACTICE!!!!" I panicked forgetting about it 'I had tennis practice this morning whoops!!' I thought running as fast as I could.

"Ok now to sneak in, hmmm"she whispered thinking of a way to enter 'i'll just tell them I had to help a somebody! yeah that would work!' she thought cheeringly.

Then Tamiko just walked right onto the tennis caught like nothing happened until she heard a voice behind, it was the captain "why are you so late today!"


"Oh hello Claire, I was just helping a teacher carry their things inside, got side-tracked" I said trying to convince her.

"That would be captain to you!!" she snarled back "Sorry Cla...Captain, it won't happen again" I replied begging

"that's what you said last week, yet here we are!" The quick response made Tamiko get nervous

"well this time I actually mean it, well...not that I d-didn't mean it b-before!" "Fine! but late again and I be forced to keep you off court for a week!, don't let me down now get changed!" She yelled "yes cap!!" I panicked and ran to get changed.

*Small Time Skip to Court*

"Oh Ayaka-chan and Ichiro-kun there you are!" Tamiko exclaimed and then explained what happened yesterday.

"Yep that's it" she finished

"Aww he really did that!?!" Ayaka replied while Ichiro just stood there waiting for them to finish "I know right! I kind of panicked abit, dumped him and left, it was Horrible but that's in the past now!" she told them and smiled happily after "can't be angry forever right"

"I knew he was a jerk!!" Ichiro butted in finally "well as long as you're happy I guess I could let it go! For now"

"Gee...thanks" she said sarcastically and giggled

"You three stop talking and practice!!" captain yelled

"Yes...Captain..!" they all said in chorus

*Time Skip To Lunch*

"Ahh so hungry!! classes really kill me!!" Tamiko complained!! "ok, ok I get it!" Ayaka responded

"Hehe sorry" Tamiko said while Ayaka said "it's ok" and continued walking to the rooftop to meet Ichiro and eat lunch.

*Time Skip to the Middle of Lunch*

"Hey let's go somewhere fun!!" Tamiko shouted bored to death "fine, but where...?" Ayaka and Ichiro replied "ooooh...I know let's go to the basketball court and I'll introduce you to some friends I know!" Tamiko replied excitedly.

They all walked to the basketball court only to see a huge crowd of fan girls screaming "i didn't know they were popular" Ayaka replied "they're usually not how do you say... crowded!" Tamiko surprisingly replied dumbfounded only to see a glimpse of blonde entering the building



(Why is Kise here and what is he doing in their basketball court for!!! Find out Chapter 3 whenever I write it haha!)

(Hoped You Liked Chapter 2)

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