Chapter 18:

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***After School!!***

Ayaka's P.o.V

I ran towards Tamiko "Sorry I'm late the PE teacher couldn't find the change room's key!!"

"It's fine! I had something to do too!" Tamiko told me looking slightly away!

"Huh? what'd you have to do?" I questioned curiously!

"I'm on...temporary leave for the Shogi club..?!" She continued saddening slightly 'she must really enjoy it if she's not her chirpy self?' I thought then spoke up..


"No reason really, it's just something that will be taking both our time up for a while!" she explained smiling lightly!

'That's right the return gift!! I wonder what she's done! Her surprises are surprising! And sometimes scary...! But hardly expected!' I thought eyeing Tamiko 'Hmm I still don't understand why she would try give it back! I mean it's not like she couldn't afford it?"

"Tamiko why are we heading near my house?" I asked

"You'll see!" She replied smiling at me!

Soon enough we came at a stop outside a fairly tall building 'What...!'

"Tamiko...why are we outside an agency..?"

"Well if you know what it is you can figure the rest your a genius after all!" she replied and grinned like an idiot!

I chuckled lightly then we walked inside but as soon as we walked through the door many were staring at us! I don't know if we had something on our faces or if it admiration? 'Oh Well..! But this is giving me a weird vibe!' I thought sweat-dropping!!

Soon enough a short stubbly man came and stood in front of us! I believe he was just under my chin!!

"Hello, Tamiko-Chan! Your finally here and this must be the friend you were talking about this morning!" He then stared at me in Shock but I guess it was more of a joyful and surprising look!

"You never told me she was just as beautiful as you! She will do the job perfectly!" He Told her!

"Tamiko care to explain what 'Job' he's talking about?" I asked confused and slightly nervous!

"You mean you didn't tell her you! It's modelling! Tamiko was perfect for the spot we had open and we did anything to get her and this is where you come in..!" He explained then Tamiko finished it

"I made a few minor... conditions and one of them was to have a friend join me! And so it was perfect timing, so I asked you!" She then gave me a smile that said 'whoops did I leave that part out!' and then started laughing!

"W-why are y-you laughing-g?!" she asked nervous with a bit of worry

I continued but spoke in between a few breaths of laughter..."i..thought were gonna...make worse...or even scary!!"

"A-and how's t-that funny?"

"Well..compared to your..well, other Gifts! it made me worry!! but it was all for nothing! Since it was exceedingly normal." I managed to stop laughing and look Tamiko in her eyes! When I had finished talking, she went a slight bit pink but there was defiantly some confusion showing too!

"M-my Gifts a-aren't that bad!!" she said looking away

"Yer like the time you organised that clown to ride an elephant with a monkey hat the park! know how hard it was to round that animal up -.- and I ain't talking about the elephant!!"

"Okay so maybe that was a little extreme..?!" she said with her two fingers almost pinching the air!

(a/n: you know to show how small it was! aha)

"A little...okay then what about...last year when you made us go rock-climbing!"

"That doesn't sound too bad.." The Short stubby man spoke

"Yeah, your right the rock climbing was fine..EXCEPT THE FACT THAT I FORGOT TO MENTION IT WAS ON A REAL CLIFF!!"

By the time I noticed, I had shouted a tad bit too loud and everyone in the room was gob smacked, it caused silence all around!

"Well umm..lets move on..shall we..?!" I interrupted the silence and Short and stubbly lead us in to a separate room to discuss the modelling job!!

Phil's P.o.V:

As I showed the girls into the spare room! I remembered I forgot to introduce myself to Tamiko's Friend so I decided to speak up!

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me!! I'm Phil catalope! I am the manager for 'hit or miss!' Magazine and the 'director' of the current modelling job!" he then bowed slightly.

"Oh I'm Ayaka Chahiro! Nice to meet you!" she then smiled sweetly

"Okay down to business! I want you to be our main models! Just like a fashion show! You see if you will..we need you to help produce our products or in this case mostly fashion, then after we'll need a photo-shoot done for the magazine! And then we will be holding a joint fashion show including our 'Hit Or Miss!' and their rival 'Blueberry Blue!'" I explained clear enough since we can not afford any mistakes for this important time period!

"Blueberry Blue?...i think I've heard of that! their the ones who do the farm + country side clothing as well as many other cultures!! You know their styles aren't too shabby!" Tamiko blurted out then covered her mouth, realising she just almost sided with our rivals!!

"Okay, Sounds Good! When do we start?!" Ayaka covered up quickly!!

"Well that's up to you either Thursday or Friday!

"Okay how About thursday? Because we have Work on Fridays!" Ayaka nodded to Tamiko

"Okay well I've got to go home and make sure noone's destroyed anything!"

"Thank you for coming! Tamiko and Ayaka!! And I look forward to be working with you!!"

We said our goodbyes and then we both left the modelling agency and headed home!

(A/n:Hello I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a week or so but I have tests and homework 😓 and now I've only got NAPLAN to go!! And then it should be back to normal again!! Yayyy!! Anyway hope you like Chapter 18!! Wow! This far already!😋Yet again sorry for the sort of long wait...Goodbye!!)

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