Chapter 31:

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Satsuki's Pov:

The Boys were having a discussion about some bet involving Tamiko-chan! But since I know of there feelings towards her I listed to their ranting..!

"Well yeah of course she would! I mean we were betting on who could win her heart...thats like going against every code in the gentleman book...well almost every one! It's---" Kise was going off about something Ichiro asked when i noticed a figure at the door.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust into the shadowed doorway, to notice Tamiko-chan there. we met eyes for a brief second before I opened my mouth to speak..!

"Excuse me guys but...." They all stared at me going quiet then followed my pointing finger to the girl at the doorway..

Next thing I knew they were all shouting her name..!


She just stood there clearly angry...but then she took a deep breath and began to relax, with the tinge of relief mixed in..?

'I wonder what's she's thinking..?' I thought to myself.

It was an awkward silence until she spoke up.

"Why didn't you guys just tell me? I wouldn't of mind? But since now I feels like my shoulders were carrying a lot of weight but it suddenly just disappeared! I'm still a little cross with you's for NOT telling me but what can you do?!" She huffed then gave a little smile.!

She opened her mouth up again and let her feeling flow! She must of needed us for something because she now has this look in her eyes but i couldn't tell what is was about.

"Its a good thing your all here! Despite the previous conversation, haha," She continued, "I've got something and I need help for it to work! And i was hoping you guys could be the ones to help me?"

"Okay...keep talking?" Akashi commanded and Tamiko gave him a look to say, 'I'm getting there, just wait!!'

I giggled a little being the only other person to notice it, other than Akashi...himself!

"Well, I'm wanting my Parents to be on good terms with each other Because it turns out she's engaged to Kylie's Dad and have a child together...but what I want is someway to be able to just be a family again, without causing trouble to both our can we do it??" She explained

"I believe so..!" I shouted! And the others also agreed as well!

"So, what's the plan?" Kagami-kun asked

"Well...i was thinking something along the lines of this..." She started then went into a technical plan..!

Kise's Pov:

After everything was sorted for the plan, I wanted to give Tamikicchoa proper apology!

I felt bad for what I said and plus I did kinda start this whole bet off..!

So as she went to leave the kitchen to chill or something I grabbed her arm gently!

"Tamiko, Tamikicchi!" I Calle shed name until she stopped

"Yes, Kise? Did you need something?" She asked

" just wanted to give you a proper apology..! For what I said! Plus, It was my fault that the bet took place...i was getting to full of myself and let it fall flat on everyone around I'd like to give you my deepest feelings..!" I quickly blurted out looking away slightly.

"Kise-kun, it's okay. You don't need to apologise for anything..! Just helping me out with my family is good enough!"

"But, Tamikicchi I want to apologise, please just let me!"

She sighed losing eye contact. Then her violet eyes reattached themselves back onto mine! They were beautiful! No, she was a real beauty!

"Fine.." She mumbled slowly

"Yay! Okay, so I'd like to say I'm sorry...i take full responsibility for my actions! And also there's one more thing I'd like to do with you?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah?" She replied keeping her eyes locked onto mine!

"Tamikicchi, Will you dance with me?" I asked holding out my hand like a real gentleman!

She put her hand in mine, smiles then replied "I've been wanting someone to ask me that! eh, i mean...I'd Love too!" she said embarrassed

Luckily, a slow song has just started and I gently pulled her onto the dance floor and closer to me!

I've decided this will be the night she'll know of my feelings..!

We started stepping to the rhythm of the music, swaying, stepping, turning and spinning..!

Right before the song ended, leaned in to her ear and started whispering what I feel like around her!

"Tamikicchi, There's something I've been dying to tell you but never got the chance too! Tamiko, every time I'm around you I get flutters in my belly...and every time we touch, man, I feel all tingly inside! Whether you're laughing, giggling, upset, mad or even crying I find it adorable! When I'm with you I forget about every other girl insight! Tamiko, Ever since we first met I've been completely, utterly blinded by you and in the best way! I'm in love with you Tamiko! And I don't care if you love me back or not! Whether we stay as just friends or something more that is up too you. But, just remember that I'll be there for you when it gets rough. " By the time I finished I had made eye contact with her beautiful eyes, and started leaning down connecting our lips!

They were the softest lips I'd ever kissed! It was a sweet, chaste kiss but as I was about to pull away she started kissing me back! So it continued until we pulled away for some air!

She was tinted red from blushing, and I could feel my face heat up as well!

" do you feel towards me?" I asked sincerely

"Well..." she looked as if she was trying to collect her thoughts..!

"It's okay if it takes a while for your response...I'll be waiting for you always" With that she sent me a little smile and we went back to dancing and enjoying the night!

(A/n: Well here's another chapter in one day!! Hope you enjoyed it! What did you think about the KisexTamiko Pairing? I'm not sure who to pair her with but I've got 11 more chapters to decide by! Well I'm Knackered! I had to get up at 5 today for this Australian citizenship down in Wannaroo! I fell asleep at like 4/5pm and woke up near 8pm and I'm still tired haha well night night enjoy the rest of your night unless it's day where you are then enjoy your day!! Bye until next time!! :] )

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