Chapter 29:

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'Dear my beloved and child!

I want you to know that I love you with my whole heart!

I wish we could be together forever but the truth is that I already knew you, Mike had cheated on me...

She came to see me herself...She has so much guilt to carry with her..that she had to be honest with herself and me..! I hope by me leaving you, you will realize the one who you truly love..Her!

This is a chance to start over with the one you need! Please tell my Baby girl that I did not make it...I don't want to cause problems for you or her!

Please don't let her forget...that I will always love her no matter where I am!

Love Rosily S xx

P.S. Please forget about me as I will do the same!! I know I should have taken her with me but...She reminds me soo much of you...I'm Sorry, Goodbye Mike.!

P.P.S. Oh yeah, I think you need to give someone a call...Good Luck! 0xxxxxxx57'

That letter was the last thing I had of her...before she left!

But she was wrong about one thing, She looks so much like you...Rosily!

Mike's Pov:

I had finished telling my side of our past...!

Nothing major has really changed...for example our daughter is the same cute little girl she is...Kakiru is still the reckless little boy inside and Taro is still the young innocent youth of the family!

We've changed though...I've started living life to the fullest; you've moved on to be a fine women; and Marinell is the final piece of the puzzle in my heart..!

I do miss spending day after day with you though...before i found you i was missing the most important thing in my life! Love..! It was all becasue of you i was Smiling, Joking, Laughing, and feeling complete.!

All I can do is give my Graditude to you...Hoping we can be Friends like once before but even better than back then!!

I travelled with Marinell in search for you...we both felt greatful to you! Even so, Marinell never did tell me why? she just said "it isn't mine to discuss.." or "You'll find out one day but until then keep waiting a little longer..!"

And I do..i wait and wait for something that might not come..but I keep strong hoping things will make sense and become a new light on our lives..!

Tamiko has turned into a beauty..she looks just like you, I can't help but smile when she's around..! Sad, Happy just everything about her is just like you..!

Recently she seems more composed despite what's going off, she stays strong! I don't know what or who has helped but they have the right effect on her!

I'm thinking about showing her the letter, if it will clear the air about your "death" Rosily I'm thinking it's worth it..!

I went to the garage...and grabbed the box with our past treasures inside..!
I pull out a letter "found it!" I chirped

"Found what?" I heard a voice..Tamiko's Voice!

"A letter your mother wrote. Here!" I passed it to her

I watched as she opened it and read it's content.

Her eyes bulged with tears threatening to spill...she lightly smiled handing me back the letter and hugged me whispering

"So, she wasn't lying? She really does loves me..?!"

"Yes, yes she does and she always will no matter what!" I whisper back, hugging her tightly! As she let the tears flow..!

(A/n: I know it's short but to be honest there not much I can write about here...anyway! How was the letter? did it satisfy any curiosity? Remember to Comment, Vote and follow! XD!! Bye!!)

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