Chapter 9:

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Tamiko's POV

I was walking home from My Grandparents house, Since mum and dad told me and my brothers to visit them a few times a month, since they went on holiday! My grandparents asked me to buy them a new Shogi board for the next visit!! don't worry! They gave me the money!

As I was walking home, I noticed a new board game shop and I decided to buy the Shogi board straight away!! I entered the shop and was looking around! It was fancy but not as fancy as those rich party's, It was cozy-like and calm!

I saw the Shogi board area and walked towards it, as I got closer I thought I heard a familiar voice only to notice green hair "Midorima..?!?!" I muttered under my breath! When I doubled checked it was him, I started walking towards him to say hello! He noticed me and I waved! At the end of his lips you could just notice a smile!!

He then signalled me to come over and join him and his friend!! As I walked over I noticed his friend had Red hair and he slightly glanced at me! I felt a shiver down my spine! To be honest I was a bit nervous!! He had a different aura compared to others I had met!! At that instance I knew who he was!!

The Emperor..!



I looked at Shin and smiled! he introduced me "Akashi, this is Tamiko Yuri!" he said looking at Akashi with a faint smile! "Tamiko, this is Seijuurou Akashi!" "Hello nice to mee..." I was cut off by Akashi "I would say its nice to meet you but then I'd be lying!"

'Wow! Geez he doesn't need to be rude!!!' I thought as I muttered the word "rude!" when I realised I covered my mouth in shock and thought 'oh no!! what if he heard that!! whatever! he got what he deserved!!' I removed my hands and Midorima was looking at me with an uneasy look "Well, That was rude!" We heard Akashi say!

"Excuse me!! you're the rude one!!" I replied annoyed! while he said "how so? I was completely telling the truth!" "As was I!!!" I muttered loud enough "if you've got something to say! say it!!!" He said looking straight into my eyes!! right before Shin cut in "umm...lets calm down! Anyway! what bring's you here Tamiko?"

"Umm!..I'm here to buy a Shogi board!" I said "oh you play Shogi!!" he asked "Only a bit why?" I said lifting an eyebrow! "do you want to verse us?" he asked "Maybe next time! I'm on a tight schedule sorry!" I said scratching the back of my head! Akashi looked at me oddly and I think he knew! I was lying!

"Anyway, I'll take my leave now! Goodbye Shin-Kun and Devil!!" "I think that would be best! Commoner!" Akashi Whispered while I glared at him and snickered back "Rude Pig!!" Then we both smirked and I walked off to purchased the Shogi board and left with no hesitation!

A couple days later, I Came back to the board game shop to buy some extra Shogi pieces! 'Thanks to Kakiru-Kun! I have to buy new ones!! Knocking them into the pond, what was he thinking!!' I thought annoyed "Hi! I would like to buy some spare Shogi pieces!" I asked the man at the counter! "I'm sorry miss but we just sold the last yesterday!" he replied "Ehhh...really! When are you ordering more??" I answered back "the next...order should come in about a month!" he said while checking a clipboard "oh ok! then I'll wait!" I replied and left! I went and sat on a bench in a park and sighed!!

Akashi's POV

I was taking a walk in the park when I noticed the girl from the other day! 'geez what is she doing all alone here? WAIT! What am I thinking!! She would be a nuisance!!' I thought but my feet started walking on their own 'great just great!!' I thought while standing in front of her! she looked up at me in shock as if she didn't want to see me.

"Umm...hi..!"she said "I guess I could say hello!" I said calmly as I looked at a bird in a tree. "umm...why are you here?!" she asked me "well, I have my reasons" I replied making eye contact!

"Whatever! leave me alone, I don't like you!" she said while I replied "are you ordering me around!" I said giving her a slight glare but she didn't seem to care!

And replied "You know, actually yes I did order you!"

"Since you want to order the Emperor around! I'll stay just to make you annoyed, even more!"

"Fine, my King!" she said mockingly and smirked!

"ha, well at least you've got something! so what are you doing here? Exactly" I asked her while she gave me a funny look and said "Umm..why do you care?"

"I don't! I'm just curious" I replied.

"Oh, well if that's it, then there's no point telling you!" She replied "fine!! you just looked depressed is all!!" I said just to get answers nobody defies me!! "well..." "uh I guess I could tell you but it's not really important!" She replied See I told you I'm the emperor!! "just tell me already!!" I said gesturing her to go on! "Fine but don't say I told you so, I'm depressed because I came to buy some new Shogi pieces!"

"That's why your depressed!" I said almost laughing while she pouted and said "don't laugh!! they ran out and I could of gone to my friends but I got forced to go to my grandparents house to deliver the Shogi board but my brother had to knock the Shogi pieces In the nearby pond!!" I chuckled and said "Why don't you just go to another shop?" "I did!! but they either didn't have any or never order spares! this was my only option left!!" she snapped, i sighed "I guess there's no helping it, come with me!" I said while grabbing her "You righ...wait...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" She shouted looking at me confused

I sighed and said "we're going to mine now hurry up!" "No way!! I don't want to go there!!" She yelled and I yelled back "look you're coming! now hurry up!" "Why do I have to enter the demons lair!!" She yelled back "you want Shogi pieces well we've got a few spare! you can have one! no price!" I explained and she responded "for free!why would you do that? we didn't have the greatest meeting!!"

"Because I want too, got it!" I snapped! losing my cool then gathering it again! "Look do want to have it or go home empty??" I looked at her

"Fine! I'll go but I ain't entering and I don't want it to be free because then you will expect something!" she replied

"Well, what do you suggest?" I replied and she said "I'll pay"

"Hmm money haven't had that one before" I said sarcastically "ha. ha. very funny! Fine! I'll change it! what about a favour. I'll regret sooner or later but oh well right!" she said smiling!

Tamikos POV


"Hmm money haven't had that one before" he said sarcastically "ha. ha. very funny! Fine! I'll change it! what about a favour. I'll regret sooner or later but oh well right!" I said smiling!


'Geez why am I doing this' I thought as I was standing outside Akashi's big house!

He started opening the front door and gesture me to enter "After you" "I already told you I'm not going to ente...r" I was cut off as he push me through the door and locked it behind him! "hey!! Open the door! I want to wait outside!!" I shouted at him! annoyed even more!

"Sorry, no can do! I don't want to leave a girl outside on her own! so you might as well take a seat!" he said pointing to the couch! I sighed "Fine!" As he went to get the spare Shogi pieces, I sat down and waited for 5 minutes or so and then he came back with the pieces and handed them to me "umm...Thank you!" I said awkwardly

"It's fine" he replied "well I must be going now! Thank you for these!" I said about the walk over to the door until he said "you know you need keys to open the door!" "right! I already knew that!" I responded! "well, are you gonna open the door yourself or am i?"

"Well I would do that but I'm currently waiting on someone. So until he's here you'll stay and keep me company!" he told me and smirked

"No way, no offence but I don't want to!" I complained "Sorry but you've got no choice! At this moment I'm in control" he replied smirking!

(A/n: Heyy readers, hope you like chapter 9!! More is on its way!!!! Bye for now!! Suggestions for the future, Just mention them in the comments and I'll try my best!!!xD)

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