Chapter 19:

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(A/n: I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE REALLY REALLY LATE CHAPTER!!! I thought I might do a long Chapter to make up for it!!😃)

The Last Two Days Flew by quite fast...and soon enough it was Thursday!

Tamiko's P.o.V:

After School Ayaka and I had started walking to the Model Agency to start Our newly awaited job!

When we got their it was fairly busy, but we found everything quite easily and soon enough we were heading for our changing room to put on what we had been given!

As soon as we were done their was many staring at us in surprise but we just ignored them and continued with slight courage! As soon as we got on set, everything was explained to us!

Soon enough we had our break and got to look at some of the previous models photo shoots!

They were all so pretty and their figures were perfectly suited to their outfit! There was all different shapes and sizes! From short to Tall, Skinny to Chubby, Cute to Sexy and Sexy to Well..Perfectly-Amazing!!

Right Before our break ended, Ayaka's Parents had Phoned, Ayaka asked me "if it's not too much could I stay over yours for tonight because my parents are having another adults only party!" I nodded "yeah that's cool! No one will mind if you stay!" Soon Enough she hanged up and we headed for the set which had changed and yet again we had to change our costumes we had to do what we would do normally! They said this will give an effect of Natural Beauty and not Forced Poses!

After it got called a day around 6:00pm, we were told to come tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday at 10am! "We'll tell the school! and then right after you can go to your daily job and routines!" We heard Phil Say "We are almost finished here so you can go don't be late okay! we've got till the following Thursday to finish this for Friday's Fashion show!" We nodded and left!

As soon as we got home and opened the door! We smelt delicious food travelling towards the kitchen! "I'm Home Kakiru, Taro-Kun!" I walked into the kitchen and saw Midorima, Ichiro and Kagami in the kitchen cooking *meaning Kuroko is...somewhere!* and Murasakibara eating some chips, Aomine and Satsuki in the Living room watching television!

"Kakiru!!! Taro!!!" I Shouted annoyed and made them jump! Kakiru answered first "Yes Tamiko?!" while Taro Came out Innocently!

"Would you please explain why they are here?!" I Exclaimed pointing in their direction!

"Well...w-we met the z-zoo?!" Taro Started innocently yet seemed a bit jumpier than usual..?

"Well, you know this and that happened and well know they're here..!" Kakiru Answered but didn't explain much as he got cut off by the door bell *Ding Dong!*

"Well Taro Make sure you explain everything to her! Got to go I've got another date to tend too! Bye!"

He suddenly answered the door and I noticed he had flowers in his hand and was wearing something nice and fancy for once! And by the time I said something he had closed the door!


I turned to Taro with a Angry twitching eye and figure! But he just went and cowered behind Kagami!

After seeing him that frightened, I started to try calm myself down! If anything it's more like Kakiru to do something stupid than Taro!

As soon as my eye stopped twitching and my figure differed to it's original state I went over to Taro and hugged him "I'm Sorry For Frightening you! But could you please explain why they are here?"

"You know you could ask us yourself?"

"Yer I know but where's my fun in doing that?!"

I turned back to Taro "Okay, Now Explain..."

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