Chapter 5:

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Tamiko's POV

Saturday :

A week has pasted, Since I met Mura-Kun...and now I am currently taking a walk with some guy i barely know! He has green hair, Emerald eyes and wears glasses. You see my friend, and her friend had set us up on a blind date!!

****Flashback two days ago****


'What a wonderful day, so peaceful' I thought happily, looking out of the nearby window by my seat.

It is currently lunch, and I had just finished eating, when my friend Mira-Chan came and started asking me questions like...are you still dating Shiro?? or if your single would you try date another guy?? do you want me to set you up??

"Look Mira-Chan, thanks but no thanks, I'm good being single!" I said

"But.." she started before I cut her off "No buts!"

"Please!! My friend is looking for a girl to set up with his friend!! pretty please!!!" she pleaded

"I'm sorry but I've made up my mind!! and why me?!?!?" I replied "because your the only one I know close to his type, come on for me, it's not like I'm gonna force you into marrying him, it's just a date!!" she pleaded even more while getting on her knee's begging!! "Says the girl who's trying to FORCE me into A BLIND DATE!!!!" I yelled and I ignored her pleading and begging

"Please!!, Please!!, Pleeasseee!!""she continued until I finally gave in "FINE, NOW LEAVE ME IN PEACE!!" "Ok and Thank you!!! Soooo much!! I'll send you the details later ok!"she said accomplished then handing me a corset and skipped off! "Geez what am I getting myself into!" I whispered hoping it will be ok!

After school around 4:30pm I got a message from Mira-chan *Beep* 'Heyy! It's Mira, Thank you so much for accepting! I'm sure you'll have fun! Anyway, it will be held this Saturday at the pizza parlour on turn stead rd at 3:30pm, just look for another mixed corset of red and green! :) GOOD LUCK!!'

'I should go and buy a new outfit, you know, just in case you never know what's going to happen!' 'And I've got an hour and fifteen till the shops close, so I have enough time, I better go now!!' I thought as I started walking towards the bus stop across the street 'phew there's a bus that'll be here in five minutes!!'

15 minutes later, I arrived at the mall and 10 minutes had passed since I started browsing around a few stores! Until I saw a really cute looking outfit that was just my colour! Purple!!

It was a two piece, It had a pink frilly bit at the top of a pink singlet which was connected to the inside of the other T-shirt piece, which read 'I ❤️ U' and underneath that 'yes I do!' It had a pink belt, with a skirt underneath it which had hearts and flowers (separate of course) which had two different levels each! With frilly ends!

The skirt had two different purples for each level:

• One was the purple used for both the T-shirt and skirt.

• and the other, was purple mixed with a pink, only used for the skirt.

It was the one!!!

****Flashback End****

Yep and that's why I'm here, he didn't even tell his name yet he knew I was his date! And right now we are walking in silence to the amusement park! I finally decided to break the ice and speak to him 'Tamiko, you can do this!, come on!' I thought preparing myself!

"Sooo, what's your name? My Name is Tamiko!" "..." I was waiting for a response until he finally spoke "Shintaro Midorima" he replied while gently pushing his glasses upwards!

"Are you 16 like me??" I asked him "Yes I am" he responded then I suggested "let's play a game!" "like what?" he asked me "Ermm...eye spy?" I said thinking "Sure but before we do what zodiac sign are you?" he responded "I think it's Scorpio, why??" I asked curiously while he replied "You have the best luck Today while Cancer was second! oh well as long as I have my lucky item today I'll be fine!"

"Huh?! So your into that kind of stuff!?'

I replied as we carried on walking and started playing eye spy

10 minutes later, we arrived and paid for our entry tickets, after we entered many time had passed. We went on roller coasters, rides, we had some food and drinks and right now we are standing in front of the haunted house, you can not miss out on the haunted house, no matter what!!

As we entered Shin and I both heard a girl screaming and looked at each other! I took in a deep breath and started walking and shin did the same thing, it seems he's like me, even though we can do a lot of things, they can still make us nervous or scared!

Oh well, as long as you enjoy it in the end, right?

We walked into a pitch black room with really creepy music playing, I could not see anything, but it felt like their was someone watching us, I gulped, then I realised I couldn't even see Shin I panicked and swung my arms around until I hit something "ouch" was the only thing I heard before I realised who it was "is that" I asked "yes it is why'd you hit me?!!" he replied "oh sorry, I thought I lost you, hehe whoops!" I responded "anyway let's carry on.!" "..ermm...Shin-Kun"

"what is it?"he asked with the tint of curiosity in his tone "uhh can I ho..ld yo...u I...mean your arm! yes your arm!!" I said blushing yet panicking and thought 'am I blushing!!! no way, doubt it, I'm sure it's just because I'm over heated!!' "Sure" he replied "ehh really" I said with a tint of happiness "umm yer I guess I don't mind" he mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I grabbed onto his arm and we walked into another room, it wasn't as dark but you could feel the tension of expecting something to happen and it was kinda intense!!

We walked some more when I stepped on what seemed to be a button then we heard a clicking noise, when something came and touched my shoulder, I screamed and turned to see what it was and it was a bone hand with bits of flesh hanging on it,

I freaked out and hugged Shin and was released by its grip, before I knew it I could here shin's heart beating really fast and started blushing, he was warm, really warm, when I realised what I was doing I released him and apologised "sorry about that!" "It's fine" he whispered before walking again, I walked next to him and glanced at him and thought 'when I was hugging him earlier, he was so warm yet i thought his heart was beating really fast like mine! It's as if he..."

(A/n: Heyy Readers, Sorry for the really late update! forgive me!! anyway I hoped you like chapter 5, I felt like having a little cliffhanger, Also I think I'll do the reunion after Tamiko's met and had a little story with all of the GoM's and maybe even momoi and Kuroko, who knows I'll decided later!! I'll try update chapter 6 on the weekend ok!!

bye all:))

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