Chapter 10:

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Tamiko's POV

OK! So I'm currently in Akashi's house! Turns out...HE WONT LET ME LEAVE!! until his 'friend' is here? This is what exactly happened!

-------Flashback Start-------

53 minutes ago

"Well, are you gonna open the door yourself or am i?" I asked

"Well, I would do that but I'm currently waiting on someone. So until he's here you'll stay and keep me company!" he told me and smirked

"No way, no offence but I don't want to!" I complained "Sorry but you've got no choice! At this moment I'm in control" he replied smirking!

I gulped " you!"

He started walking towards me and I kept walking back until I hit wall!! he kept getting closer and closer to me!! Eventually we were feet length apart "Tamiko...Has anyone ever told you, Your pretty cute! When you're scared!!"

I turned light red and looked away!!

He took a step closer and gently grabbed my chin and turned it to face his!! Our faces got closer and closer! Our noses weren't touching yet! but I could feel his warmth!! And then he said "You know! When I met you, I thought you were the same as the others! So I ignored you! but compared to the others you showed fire!! Now I consider you as my...acquaintance! Just so you know i rarely do that!!" he brought our faces even closer! Our noses were now touching! It tickled!

I started giggling because it was tickling me! "ahem" Akashi sounded as if he was clearing his throat!! "haha...Sorry your nose is just tickling me!!" I replied still giggling! He then smirked and put his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him into a hug!! Yes a HUG!!!

"Umm...What are you doing?" I asked him confused and he muttered "I'!" I couldn't quite hear, all of it!! (I'm just making you mine...only mine!) For some reason I started turning pink again and gently pushed Him back "Umm...I don't know! why you did that but only do that if you have a Proper reason for it, ok!" "I do have a reason!" he said and I went to sit on the couch! he left the room to bring us some drinks!

--------FlashBack end--------

And now, He's making me play Shogi, this is our 3rd game so far and he's winning! Again!!! While I can't even be bothered playing! "Well are you going to move!" he asked me "Geez, I'm thinking hold on!" I said moving a piece carefully and rubbing my eyes!

"Hmm so you are actually playing now, it won't make a difference either way, I always win!" he confidently said!

"Wow! your an arrogant one!

But I guess without it your a nobody right!" I said making eye contact and smirking!! He shook his head and said "Wrong! I would never turn out like you!"

"So can I leave yet?" I asked "no not.." he replied being cut off by his phone *Riinngg* *Riinngg*"excuse me for a moment." I just looked away! He sighed and left the room. A couple minutes, later he came back and said,"You can leave now! If you want" "As if I'd stay but what about your 'friend'?" I said and he replied "he's not coming!"

"I'll drive you home, come on!" I stood and walked out of the room.

Akashi signalled the driver and we got into the car...well...when I say car I mean...limousine!!! "So where do we go?" he asked me and I replied "31 Redford Avenue..." He told the driver and we set off!

Just an awkward silence filled the limo! 'Maybe I should try start a convo with him!' I thought as I glanced, and as soon as he saw me, I turned away!

"So...This is awkward but...I guess you don't really care, huh?!" I said awkwardly, but there was no response until he opened his mouth and said "Well, no because you're only making it awkward because of what I said earlier!" he looked at me and I turned my head away while blushing! Yet I could feel him smirking from behind! I shook the feeling off and said "Well at least I tried to make it less awkward!!"

"Look...Where not gonna get anywhere like like this! So..lets ask questions but if they're private, you don't have to answer!" he looked at me with a pointless face and then slightly nodded!

We chatted, Until It went awkward when he asked if I had a boyfriend I was too embarrassed to answer and curious to why he would ask me that!!

I eventually told him and in return I asked if he had a girlfriend he said no

When we got to my house, the driver opened the door for me I said Thank you and goodbye to him and Akashi!

"Umm...thanks for the lift! and goodbye!" Then I walked inside and closed the door behind me and went to have a bath and said "What a Awkward day! why does it always happen to me!!"

(A/n: Hello, Here's Chapter 10, Hope you like it :) Remember to Comment if you have any Awesome ideas, all are welcome! :D Bye you Awesome Readers xD)

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