Chapter 23:

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Sunday Morning

Kuroko's POV:

We are currently on our way to the school because of an emergency meeting coach called..

We were almost there, Kagami and I were talking about Tamiko, when I came up with a idea...but I got too caught up in my thinking..

"Kuroko what are you thinking?" Kagami said making a weird face as usual...

I tilted my head innocently "Nothing really..except!"

"except?" He repeated

"except i feel like I want to fight fire with fire, don't you BaKagami?"

"Oooh...Hey!?! I told you not to call me that" he confronted me..

"Well do you?" I asked

"Maybe...what do you have planned?" he asked raising a brow

"I'm thinking we hold a VIP party inviting Tamiko and the boys prove we won't stand down..!" I said confidently..!

"Hmm...okay...Anyway, since when do you ever talk like this? So what do we do at the party, confess to the her and be on high alert from him?!" He shouted in my ear giving me a slight buzz as we reached the school gates!

"Well..we'll be getting closer than the other boys are I guess an.." As my confidence was slightly slipping...I was interrupted by someone..?!

"and whose 'him' the Goblin's King~?" I believe it was Koganei because of the cat like purr near the end.

" one special..just...Seijuurou Akashi." Kagami responded exaggerating his name a little too much..?!

"Oww!" He yelped as I smacked his head with my rolled up magazine..

"Wha? Where'd that come from?!" He said wincing as he rubbed the lump forming on his head.

I just shrugged "It was just I just grabbed it...Oh...and Seijuurou isn't a don't ac..." I started before he coughed and cut me off..!

"Yeah, your right he's a monster!" my hand "slipped" connecting the rolled up mag to his forehead...again! "Ooops!"

"Ahh! why?!?! I was just stating the truth." And my hand seemed to just.."slip"...yet again as I spoke up smirking internally.

"Bakagami...Sorry my hand slipped,'" I said straight faced and emotionless, but on the inside it felt like a tiny smile was about to break through my sarcastic wall.

But I kept my image clean and quiet.

"Anyway, I'll organise it for next Friday! Now go give Tamiko a call telling her about the party. Make sure to tell her 5:30pm..."

"And where..will we be having this VIP party?" Koganei-Kun asked

We...i guess Koganei-kun can handle the guests..?

"It will be held at Kagami-kun's house!Oh and Remember not this Friday but The following Friday! " I said pointing at Kagami-Kun, as Koganei-Kun followed behind us entering the gym.

"EHHH! Mine! Why?!?" He shouted and I nodded as I said one last thing before heading to the club locker-room.

"It's been decided...without you!" I left him hanging as per usual.

I mean his place is spacey, clean and mostly it big enough for our VIP Party.

Then right before I entered the changeroom I heard him mumble "yeah..i noticed.."

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