Chapter 7:

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(A/n: Does anybody know what middle school Riko Aida went too?? Well if it was ever mentioned? Well for now I'm just gonna do random!)

Tamiko's POV


Today I woke up the usual and did the usual routine but only to find a note saying the boys have left for soccer/football practice and left this weeks shopping to me, yet again!!

"Geez, though's boys are gonna get it when I get home!!! Always leaving the shopping to me, and using their 'busy' life's as an excuse!" I muttered annoyed

I took the shopping list and left for tennis practise. As I arrived at school, I Saw Ayaka-Chan in deep thought! I snook up behind her and whispered in her ear "Boo!!!" she jumped and saw me giggling, she pouted then started giggling with me! "Heyy Ayaka!" I finally mustered my words to speak "Hello!" She smirked "Tami-Chan!" my cheeks started turning a light pink!

"Embarrassing?" She asked still smirking! "Nooo! It's not!!" I said looking away, while she giggled and said "ok let's get going otherwise we'll be late for tennis practise!" "Yikes your right!" I said checking my phone and we ran to practise, when we changed and got on court we were split into toe groups and played against each other on four different courts!

*Time Skip to lunch*

It was lunch time and Ayaka and I went to watch the basketball team play, we were next to Ri-chan, when she called half time, Ayaka asked her "how did you and Tami-chan meet at school?" "In truth, Me and Tamiko, go way back! Our parents are good friends, but even though she was a year younger than me, She went to a different school, but then I heard she would be going to Kano, half way through the year! and yer it kicked off from there, but even though we only spent half a year together, it was worth it!!" She responded "Right Tami-chan!!" "Yep! Ri Ri" I replied back and giggled as she went pink, then she signalled the boys to get back to practise!

"Oh yeah, Tami-Chan after school are you going shopping??" she asked "Yes, how did you know??" I replied "oh isn't this the day, where your brothers leave you to do all of the shopping?" she responded

"yes it is!!!! May I ask how you know that??" I said curiously lifting up an eyebrow "oh! Kakiru-kun told me he was wasting time, till you came home with the shopping, after we bumped into each other at the park!" She responded "EHHHH!!!, really?!?!" I proclaimed!!!

"Moving on, did you need something??" I asked her

"Yes actually, you see I have to pick up a few materials that I ordered for my project that's due next week!! but I don't have anytime to collect them, Since both dad and I are really busy!!! You see, I have time after 8pm but the shop closes at 6pm so I'm in a bit of trouble!! could you help me out??" she explained "sure, why not!" I said as she smiled and gave me the address and said "I'll tell them that you'll be there to pick them up, Thank you Tami-Chan!!" she said hugging me, trying to act cute!

*Time Skip to after school*

I'm at the shops right now, buying my house things and food! 'well I'll buy my things first, since it won't take long and I'll drop them off at home and then I'll head over to the mall and collect her order!!' I thought to myself

*Time Skip to the mall*

'Oh my gosh! I can't believe they didn't have any bin bags, tooth paste, lightbulbs or batteries left! Well the brand I wanted!' I thought annoyed as I went and bought them from another shop! As I headed to the other side of the mall I checked the time it was 5:13pm 'good, I have enough time' I thought as I felt I was on schedule time! 15 Minutes, I finally found the store and entered it!!

I went to the counter and said "hi! I'm here to pick up an order for my friend Riko Aida!"

The man at the counter asked for my name and then asked me to sign for the package! when I was done with that he grabbed her package and said "Here's Riko's package, and tell Riko! Her uncle said hello!" I said "Sure!! goodbye!" And he held the door open for me I said "Thank you!!"

As I was walking, my view was blinded by the big box and I bumped into someone from behind "sorry..!" I said as I had lost control of the box, which was about to fall!! When two strong hands had caught it! "It's fine but you need to be careful!" a familiar husky voice said "ahh! You're the one from before!!" "Wait...Aomine-Kun!!!" I said surprised!!

"Yo! Tamiko!" Aomine said as he handed me the box back and I replied "Hello, and Thanks!"

"Aomine-Kun, who's this??" A pretty girl with pink hair said!

"I'm Tamiko, nice to meet you!" I said politely "Well I'm Momoi, nice to meet you too!!" She said cheerfully as her pink eyes glistened!!

"Why do have such a big box??" she asked me "Oh this is just what a friend of mine ordered!! she didn't have time to collect it and so here I am!! so what you both doing here??" I explained

"Oh! he's buying some basketball shoes and I'm here to buy a new bikini!! Momoi said "oh! you play basketball??" I asked Aomine "Yes, but the only one who can beat me is me!!" He mumbled "eh you must be really strong then!" I said happily, smiling at him! while he blushed I giggled!

"That must be heavy! why don't you let Aomine-Kun carry that for you!!" Momoi said while giving Aomine a nudge and wink! while he replied "quit meddling!!" Momoi pouted and started to fake cry "FINE!! I'll carry it!!" he yelled them grabbed the box from me!she then smiled and created an excuse to leave "Sorry but I have to leave there's this bikini I've been dying to buy!!

Then, It was just me and Aomine-Kun! He ended up walking me home and carrying the box for me "Thank you for your help, Aomine-Kun!!" I said as grabbed the box and Hugged him until I realised he was blushing again!! And giggled and said goodbye and went inside and placed the box by the door and put the shopping away and started cooking dinner!

(A/n: Here Chapter 7, I hope it wasn't boring for you and thanks for reading!! :D)

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