Why, why, why?

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     Shortly after, Xinyan arrived. But not even she could help Chongyun's mood. "Why are you sulking so bad?" She laughed, "It wasn't you that got rejected right?" Chongyun didn't respond. "Look, he probably just needs some time to sort out his feelings, nothing too bad!" Xinyan tried to cheer. "Yeah buttt" Chongyun complained, "I only hanged out with Xingqiu, now that he's ignoring me, theres no one to be with." He frowned. "Wow!" Xiangling said from afar, doing the dishes, she tried to sound offended. Xinyan laughed. "Maybe since you're so upset, you like him back?" She tried to sneak it in. Chongyun sighed, "No.. my feelings left long ago." Xinyan stretched, "Well, I tried." She said, turning to Xiangling. She smiled thanks.
     An hour later, Chongyun was kicked out. He decided to just walk home. Stores in Liyue were soon closing, the sun soon to set. Chongyun looked foward, there was a familiar colored hair in the distance. He hid behind some building, getting closer. There was no mistake about it, the colored hair, was Xingqiu. "Xingqiu?!" He accidentally said, not too loudly though. He immediately covered his mouth, peeking to see if Xingqiu had reacted. Though, he seemed to not have heard anything at all. Someone handed him a bag, it was a lady from a store nearby. "Thanks!" Xingqiu said, he seemed like his usual self. "Hey, have you by chance seen Fischl?" Xingqiu asked. Fischl was surprisingly popular around Liyue, though she had recently moved there, her appearance and choice of words were enough to make her unique. But why would Xingqiu be asking for her? "Hmm," The lady from the store started, "I think she was here yesterday, I heard from neighbors that she's visiting some old friends." Xingqiu grunted. "Ohh, okay. Thanks anyway! Have a good day!" Xingqiu left, in the direction Chongyun was hiding. Oops. Chongyun immediately hid behind some boxes, sitting down resting against the building wall. Though Xingqiu passed by without noticing. He focused on him. It'd be nice if his feelings hadn't faded..right? He thought hard. Xingqiu's amazing, he's caring, smart, funny, and energetic. What's there not to like? Why don't I like him the same way I used to? Why did my feelings go away? Chongyun was determined to find out, though theres not an appropriate answer for those questions. He started following Xingqiu from afar. This felt a little nostalgic. 

I'm not ready. // xingyunWhere stories live. Discover now