Thank you

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     They talked for hours, about how nervous they were or how excited, or scared even, just a bundle of emotions. It was already dark, the stars started to shine and the moon moved in between them. They both smiled, oh how much had they waited for such a moment, where they would stare at nothing but yet so much, together.
     Chongyun's phone rang. "Oh," He had interrupted the moment, checking his phone, "It's my mom, I'll be right back." He walked off through the trees. Xingqiu sighed, not of annoyance, but because he was relieved, everything he had worried of was now infront of him. Soon, Chongyun came back. "Xingqiu, I have to go home, my parents are, finally, back." "Oh," Xingqiu sat up, he wanted this to last a little longer but, could he really just tell him to stay? Well.. could he? "Um," Xingqiu fiddled. "Hmm?" Yun smiled. "It's nothing, Now walk me home!" He laughed, standing up and dragging Yun by his hand. He still wasn't brave enough to communicate, but it wasn't a moment of too much importance.
     They stopped in-front of Xingqiu's, well, mansion. "Let's hope I don't get yelled at for coming back so late." He laughed. Chongyun laughed with him, "It'll be fine." He hugged Xingqiu, "Goodnight," He said, slightly kissing him on the forehead and walking off. "See you tomorrow!" Xingqiu shouted, he couldn't hide the huge smile on his face. He opened his front door. "Hello, Xingqiu." A girl greeted him, "Your father is waiting for you at the main Dining room." She smiled. Right.., Home is where his content day ends. "Yes. Thank you, Sena."

I'm not ready. // xingyunWhere stories live. Discover now