You and I

373 10 5

"Sooooo~?" Haruka teased as soon as Yun hanged up the call.

"He wants me to come over," Yun threw his phone back at Haru with no warning, "Now, let me finish this practice test so I can be on my way." 

Haru rolled her eyes, miraculously catching the phone and placing it next to her's by her nightstand. She sat down and stared at him in silence. It wasn't like she could text Sena, because she was out and about doing one of her, by her own words, 'stupid' photoshoots. 

Yun frowned, tilting his head up slightly to make eye contact with the girl.

Haruka put her hands up in the air, "I literally didn't do anything this time!" She defended herself before he could accuse her of anything at all.

"I think you carving holes in my head is more bothersome than your talking.. I'd rather just finish this tomorrow." Yun collected his papers and organized them into his bag.

"Sometimes I question whether you actually like me." She laughed, standing up from her bed and helping him clean up. 

"Hmmmmmm," Yun thought out-loud, but to that he just got a pillow thrown to his face. He threw it back but.. He so terribly missed. "Want me to walk you over to Sena's?"

Haru had to take a break from all the laughing, "She's at a photoshoot, so she can't hang out today." She quickly checked her phone, but no new messages---From Sena---appeared.

"That's too bad. Let's hangout again, break just started after all." Chongyun smiled, walking by her to grab his phone. 

"Can you leave quietly.." Haru asked.

"Huh." Yun gave her a side eye, and she could swear he could see his veins popping out his forehead. "How rude can you get towards your own guests." He complained.

"Hey-----! I'm not calling you loud. I just don't want to walk you out . . . and if my mom sees that I didn't  walk you out she's gonna get so mad at me." She shivered.

"Then just. . Walk me out like a normal person would. . ?" Yun tilted his face, his expression all puzzled.

". . . Why should I, though?" Haru really had no ill intent.

Yun just sighed, "Why do I even bother with you.." He left her room and headed down the stairs.

Haruka just grinned, she always liked watching him leave through the window, waving goodbye, but Yun always looked like he wanted to kill her.

"Chongyun?" Xingqiu. . . .'s DAD? opened the door.

"Oh. Hi? Umm, I came over to finish some practice tests with Xingqiu." He quickly pointed at his bag. That was definitely not who he was expecting to open the door. Isn't it a thing with rich people that their servants open the door or something..?

"Xingqiu's grounded though.." His dad stared down at him. Yun really didn't know what to say this time, he didn't even know Qiu was grounded. "He really knows how to bend the rules." He sighed, "Come in son, just make sure you guys don't play and you actually study." He opened the door wide and welcoming.

Hearing Xingqiu's dad call him son was actually quite welcoming. He took his shoes off right away and headed upstairs after greeting the people around the house.

"Why didn't you text me?!" Xingqiu just so slightly opened his door and whispered over to Chongyun in the dark hallway. 

"Why do you have your phone?" Yun smirked, being pulled into the boy's room.

"My dad left it in his drawer. It's like he was asking me to take it." Xingqiu smirked back, holding Yun's hands, facing him.

"Hi." Chongyun kept his smile, leaning over to the left of Xingqiu's face.

"Hi." Xingqiu smiled, placing a kiss on his lips before locking the door. "What excuse did you come up with when my dad opened the door? Though. . It's not that surprising that he'd let you in." He led Yun farther into the room.

"Excuse? None. I'm gonna study, I don't know what you're gonna do though." Yun searched for a  place to put his stuff down. Qiu complained.

"Calm down, I just have to finish one practice test." Yun smiled, "What did you do to get grounded on summer break? Surely it wasn't your grades. . You got like---perfect scores." He was kind of annoyed at how smart Qiu was yet he barely ever studied.

"Oh, I didn't show up for an interview." He excused.

Yun just stared at him.

"....Or two.." He purposely hadn't added the first time.

Chongyun sighed, it wasn't like he could say anything to him that his father hadn't yelled before. He placed a kiss on Xingqiu's right cheek, basically smushing his face. "We can play when I'm done, okay?"

"Fine." Xingqiu rolled his eyes, but he liked the affection. 

"Good." Yun sat down by his coffee table and begun to spread his stuff out. Xingqiu watched quietly. He could never really get tired of watching the boy.

"Why is everyone staring at me lately.." Chongyun gave him the death stare as he looked up from his paper.

"Oh? It's not just me?" Xingqiu smiled.

"Should I get a haircut?" Yun fiddled with his hair.

"Where'd that come from?" Xingqiu raised his eyebrows.

"Nowhere. Just, lately it keeps getting in my way when i look down." He complained.

"Oh!" Qiu stood up from his bed where he was barely sitting on. Yun just watched him run laps around his room until he opened the right drawer, "Look! Wear these, I was actually just wearing them earlier." He kneeled down next to Chongyun, splitting his bangs into attempted even sides and keeping them back with some hair pins.

Yun just stared at him.

"What?" Xingqiu gave him a puzzled look.

"Nothing.." Chongyun picked his pencil back up and searched for the question he left off on, "Just, . . . I'm really happy." 

Xingqiu smiled,

"Me too."

Hello. It's me. help so um I UPDATED!!! wtf???? is this me ?????? I actually just had a lot of free time and needed to do something somewhat productive so here i am hello. lowk im treating every chapter like a one shot so basically treating each like the last😭  hope this brought some happiness to ur hearts idk. i love them so very much and i love reading ur comments the most

happy new years! and happy christmas if u celebrate it ! and atp reyes magos too 💀

okay im signing off for like another 5 months


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