Can you even hear me?

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The teacher sighed, "Come in." He said, loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. They opened the door, "Before you say anything!!" The boy was basically out of breath, "My schedule got mixed up and then I got lost. Sorry for being late!" He apologized. "Alright, what's your name." The teacher asked, turning to his attendance sheet on his desktop. "Xingqiu ______" The boy said. Chongyun looked up, he was previously playing with an eraser, the two boys made eye contact, but Xingqiu broke it almost immediately. "Alright Xingqiu, I won't mark you late since it's the first day. Go sit down." The teacher said, getting ready to return to the previous topic. Bennett signaled him to sit next to him, which he did, but now, he was unfortunately sitting in front of Chongyun. "How'd you get lost?" Bennett whispered, "You've been going to this school forever!" "Well, the truth is, when I came to school I was already 10 mins late.. but my schedule did get mixed up!" He sighed. Chongyun stared at him intensely, Xingqiu could probably tell. Throughout the whole lesson, Yun kept trying to get Xingqiu's attention, but he would just ignore him. The bell rung, the teacher finally dismissing everyone. "Finally!!" Bennett stretched his arms as he left the classroom. "That class felt super long." "Yeah. Now we have science, I think." Razor responded. "Oh really? I love science" Chongyun started, "Last year the teacher was really strict though." "Truee!"' Bennett stopped since they arrived at their classroom. Chongyun pushed both Bennett and Razor in, "Come on!" He laughed. Xingqiu following behind them.

I'm not ready. // xingyunWhere stories live. Discover now