Chapter 16

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Veronica's POV

I returned to my apartment late at night and was thankful that nobody was home when I came in. I immediately went to my room and changed into comfortable clothes before getting water from my kitchen. As I am filling up my water bottle I hear my apartment door opening and I was hoping it was just my roommate Kenzie but boy was I wrong.

They walk in the door and I pay no attention, or try to, my roommate told our guest that she was headed to the bathroom and will be out shortly to set everything up. As soon as Kenzie leaves, when I feel arms wrap around my waist, I turn my head slightly and see Lizzie is the one doing this and she starts kissing my neck.

Me: *Whispering* Lizzie please stop

Lizzie: *Whispering* C'mon you know you're enjoying it.

She was right I was enjoying it but I wasn't trying to play hard to get either, I genuinely just wasn't in the mood.

Me: I'm serious Lizzie stop.

Lizzie: You always say that and mean keep going.

I somehow managed to wiggle myself out of her grip and looked her in the eyes.

Me: Yeah but the tone is different between the two.

At this moment I sobered up hella quickly.

Lizzie: Why are you acting this way?

Me: You know why Lizzie! I don't like it and when I tell you to stop I mean to stop, especially in that way.

Lizzie: The thing is I'm not him! So why do you think that?

Me: I don't care I never said you were him but he did shit pass me saying stop and it's not okay.

Lizzie: It was innocent I wasn't drugging you or anything. Also that happened 2-3 years ago. How are you not over it by now?

Me: Doesn't matter how long ago it was, it still happened. It's still a trauma I had to endure. It took me over a year to even say his name and not have Panic Attacks, for me to even get close to a man in any intimate manner which is still a struggle for me, I also can finally walk down the street and see someone that looks like him and not panic. I still get flashbacks from that night occasionally and situations like these bring up that memory. I know you're not him but that's where my mind goes.

Lizzie: Look I'm sorry Veronica about what you went through and I won't ever truly understand the pain that that did to you. However, you owe me this!

Me: Why do I owe you this Lizzie?

Lizzie: Because you made a promise to me, and I'm sure you already broke that promise when we were together.

Me: what?

I was shocked by what she said and how she had the audacity to tell me that I owed her this. I owed nothing to anyone but I could see that this argument was about to go too far and I didn't want to say anything you'd regret and said

Me: I can't with this

I then walked past lizzie and have my hand on my room door handle about to go in when Lizzie speaks up again

Lizzie: So you're really going to tell me that nothing ever happened between you and Kaitlyn while we were together?

I froze and turned around shocked she would ever insinuate that.

Me: Are you serious right now?

Lizzie: What you went there every week, sometimes more than once! Also you two went for drinks a few times and I wouldn't be surprised if you guys did anything while we were together, I mean you clearly had feelings for her at one point.

Me: For starters that's ridiculous I never did anything with Kaitlyn because I would never do that to you. Kaitlyn and I did get drinks but it was just friends hanging out, also every time I went to her place it was to do schoolwork, never anything more. Why would you even think that?

Lizzie: Because when I went to look for that TikTok the other day I saw that Kaitlyn was into girls and I mean so are you so I wouldn't be surprised.

Me: Seriously Lizzie?!? If you fully read those texts then you'd know that they were of me asking her how her DATES with OTHER women went! She is just a friend to me, nothing more, I promise.

Lizzie: Yeah that promise means nothing

Me: Lizzie you know I take my promises seriously so why the hell would you say that

I was very annoyed more than angry at this moment. I am just tired and this brought my good night down into a bad one and I don't even know if any of this will do anything but here we are. I'm just tired of this argument.

Lizzie: Well you promised to never hurt me when we were together and you did just that

Me: Yeah and I'm extremely sorry but you hurt me too in a way after you promised me you wouldn't either. I just ended things before things got much worse for us

Lizzie: But i loved you, i still do

Me: I do too but right now this isn't the best until you can come to terms with who you are to your friends at least

Lizzie: Scarlett knows

Me: Yeah but nobody else, I had to lie to my friends for you and I hate doing that. That is one of the things I hate the most to do but for you I did it and it was slowly killing me

Lizzie took a step closer to me and caressed my cheeks, we were talking in a calmer manner and I almost got sucked into her touch. Then I realised I'm mad at her and frustrated. I grab her hands and take them off my face and look her in the eyes.

Me: Lizzie we're over, until you can figure things out

Lizzie: But I want you!

Me: Well clearly you think that i'm cheating on you and that I'm a liar who breaks my promises so I think you want the idea of me not me

Lizzie: That's not true!

I noticed my roommate peeking out of the hallway behind Lizzie trying to see what all our yelling was about. I took this moment to do what Lizzie did to me a few weeks back. It may have been rude but I also know that my roommate is so drunk she'd probably forget by tomorrow. However, I know that at least Lizzie will know what it felt like being outed by someone else even for a short while. I am pissed clearly and decided to do it

Me: Okay whatever you say, but since I owe you one then here it is

I walked up to her, grabbed her face, and aggressively and passionately kissed her knowing full well my roommate saw it. I almost let it go further, missing the way it felt to hold her in my arms and feeling her lips on mine, but I slowly pulled away looking at Lizzie's eyes. Once she finally opened her eyes I leaned into her ear to whisper

Me: I'd like to see how you explain that kiss that you clearly reciprocated.

I pulled away and backed up to my room door watching as Lizzie looks at me confused then turns around seeing my roommate had seen everything. She looked at me scared and I felt bad , but maybe now she'll be more open. I know she felt the passion I did in that kiss and missed me as much as I missed her. I gave her a half grin and walked in my room calling it a night.

I heard shuffling outside my room but I just layed in bed staring at the ceiling knowing tonight my dreams will be haunted by the memory of what had happened between me and Joe 2 years ago. 

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