Chapter 17

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Veronica's POV

Today there's a party at a friend's place, it's getting close to the holidays for all of us to go home. She figured we should all have one last hoorah before going home so she's throwing a small get together. The party is in an hour and I know for a fact I'm going to be running late, but I mean what else is new.

Somehow I managed to get to my friend Michaela's place not too late, but by the looks of it this party is not as small as she wanted. I walk into the party and try to find my friend and instead spot someone from my hometown, joe.

I immediately walk into the kitchen knowing that's where the alcohol and if I have to be at a house party with Joe I am going to need a drink. It's odd Joe and I all of highschool, as well as beginning of freshman year of college, were so close, he was like a brother to me. Then we got into a huge argument about his girlfriend because she was preventing him from talking to other girls, including me, and he didn't see anything wrong with that. He and I explained to her that our closeness was solely platonic but she didn't buy it and gave him an ultimatum. Needless to say he chose her.

Anyway I have just finished my first drink and am pouring myself a second when none other than Joe appears next to me.

Joe: Hey V, how's it going?

Me: What do you want Joe?

Joe: To talk like we use to, be friends again

Me: Why is that now? Is it because you're girlfriend left you and now you want someone else to talk to you and be here to comfort you?

Joe: It's not like that we were always so close. I miss my best friend and being able to hug you and be as close as we use to.

Me: Even if we did become friends again Joe, which I'm not saying we are, I'm not going to the way things use to be. I don't want to be friends with someone who takes their gf side over their best friend's side.

Joe wraps his hands around my waist from behind me and puts his head on my shoulder while I'm making myself my second drink and says

Joe: So you don't miss it when we did stuff like this?

Me: Joe get the fuck off me, we aren't friends and given this I don't think I want to.

I pry his hands out from around my waist and start walking away from him in a fit of anger. I can't believe he thought that after over a year of not talking he thought it was okay to be how it use to be. Yeah we very much acted like a couple as friends in every way except the kissing and stuff. It was things like cuddling, hugging from behind, hugging in general, holding hands, stuff like that. Many people throughout highschool thought we were dating because of how we acted, we initially kept telling them they were wrong but after a year of saying stuff we kind of gave up. We knew we weren't in a relationship and well people are going to talk.

As I'm walking towards the friend of mine who invited me to this party I realize I don't have my drink. I turn around to head to the kitchen and make myself a new one. As I do I see Joe holding a cup and handing it to me saying.

Joe: You left this in the kitchen and figured it was an accident, so I followed you to bring it to you.

Me: Thanks Joe. Why would you do that?

Joe: I want to get back to being friends and I figured this is the first step.

He seems sincere and like he's really trying. I decided to take the cup from him and nod with a slight smile at him. I did miss him as a friend but I was still wary of him. Next thing we hear is the host of this house party, Michaela, screaming for everyone to get in a circle and play spin the bottle.

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