Presenting Your Fated Mate! Enter Stage Left

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Jimin face held various emotions.

Yoongi twisted his lips, eyeing the younger carefully in case anything goes bad, all while the doctor explained to him about his condition in full detail.

"But that's im- I mean- I don't know them!-"

"Jimin-ssi, I know you're panicking, but you need to take a deep breath, and listen. You don't need to know them, or their whole history. Your wolves already do."

"But I- what if I don't want this?! What if I can't love them?!"

The doctor looked at him worryingly. He cleared his throat. "Are you really going to reject your fated pairs? Consequences can be dire..."

Jimin's brows furrowed. "...Like?"

"Um... sickness... lash outs... them going rogue. Even... even d-death-"

Yoongi's gaze turned to the doctor sharply, but the man looked slightly scared as his eyes averted. Usually, doctors tend to appear less emotional just to make it easy for them to handle tough cases. But it seems this doctor really takes this seriously.

"You m-mean... one of them will d..."

The doctor solemnly nodded, before looking back up carefully.

"Jimin-ssi... no one is asking you to immediately mate them. You can take all the time you want, but make sure you guys don't stray too far from each other. It can cause all sorts of problems."

The beta looked constipated, not really sure how to handle the situation he was thrown in.

"You should consider yourself lucky, Jimin-ssi. We only have a number of cases like yours, but that's because they were all at the right place at the right time. Imagine how many have lived their life not knowing if they had their fated pair or not."

Yoongi thought that, yes, Jimin should consider himself lucky for being able to find his mates. But then again, the way the doctor has worded it, made it feel like it's some responsibility for him to shoulder.

"Jimin-ssi," he spoke up, gaining the younger's attention. "As much as you're lucky, you don't have to think of it as some burden. I'm sure the other two would understand and make sure everything goes well for you. They can be quite impatient at times, but you have me, and another friend of mine to discipline them," he made a show of his fist, and that somehow got the younger to snort softly, "and you have Jin-hyung... you won't be alone in this."

"I... I just need some time to..."

"I- I'm afraid that can't wait. I gave you medication just so your beta won't lash out. But I can't keep feeding it to you."

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