A Declaration of...

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"Have you told Jimin about Mr Hwa?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, just texted him and told him about how he will be absent for the day, and maybe a few more days, and that he should inform his boss soon."

"I see... Mr Hwa is a good man. I'm sure he'll understand his situation."

Yoongi agreed. Over the phone call, he could definitely tell what kind of person Mr Hwa is.

"This is Hwa speaking."

"Mr Hwa, good morning."

"Good morning. May I know who I'm speaking with?"

"My name is Min Yoongi. Um- I'm calling because of Jimin."


"Park Jimin, sir."

"Ah... that kid. And what is your relationship with Jimin-ssi?"

"Um... d'you know Kim Seokjin?"

"Oho yes! One of my trusted employees! And?"

"I'm his b-boyfriend-"

"OHOHOHOOOOO!! I see he's got himself a guy!"

"Um- y-yes sir-"

"That is nice. Kim Seokjin-ssi is an amazing employee here! Please take care of him for me! Or else..."

"Uh- Um haha- sir? It's about Jimin?-"

"Oh of course, of course! And what about our Jimin-ssi? He's also a good employee! Oh yes, strangely, he has not arrived for work yet. Do you perhaps know why?"

"I do, yes, which is why I called. It is honestly not my place to give a lot of information about his situation, but I did ask him to let you know further if he's comfortable with that. He was in the hospital a few hours ago, an-"

"Hospital?! Did something happen?! And accident?! Oh my-"

"Oh n-"

"What about Kim Seokjin-ssi? Is he hurt?! He is pregnant!! Oh nooo-"

"Sir no- no accidents whatsoever."

"Oh... oh that's good to hear... oh good... so they're not hurt."


"Is it about uh... his uh... um... condition?"

"Um... kind of? It's not exactly related but uh... I'm sure you'll understand once he clears it up with you."

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