Chapter 197

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Rodrigo, my faithful servant, said the voice.

“High Priest. Mara’s servant Rodrigo is ready to listen to the great one”. Rodrigo replied with a desperate voice, bowing with his head on the floor. It was the great God’s miracle to convey His will by using an object. Faith for Mara overflowed from his heart. If it was now, he would not hesitate should the high priest ask to plunge himself into a blazing fire.

Rodrigo, who became an orphan as a little child, grew up to be a skeptic who did not believe things easily unless he had seen or heard it himself. This young merchant possessing such a strong character had now turned to fanaticism after seeing the miracle of God unfolding before his eyes. His suspicious and greedy nature did not change, but every time he witnessed the power of the great God, Rodrigo’s faith became stronger.

– Rodrigo, he has called me. He has made me deaf and blind so that His great words cannot be influenced or changed. He makes sure there is no intervention when He expresses His will.

What Rodrigo heard was not the harsh scratchy voice he had heard from the high priest a while ago. This voice was pure and clear, almost melodious.

“Ah, high priest, I did not know. I anxiously looked for you everywhere. My frivolity must have provoked His anger”.

– Mara is merciful.

“This child prostrates before God to express his gratitude”, Rodrigo supplicated.

– He told me something auspicious had happened. What has come to pass, my loyal servant? Tell me.

Rodrigo was confused and looked up. “Auspicious? I don’t know what you mean, High Priest”.

Far from being auspicious, the things that had come to pass were worrisome. Rodrigo was ready to air out all his worries and concerns in front of the High Priest.

– Are you saying Mara lies? I entrusted you with an important task, but it seems you do not even know what happens around you!

Rodrigo trembled as an angry voice filled his head. He shook his head, hoping to provoke his memory. He remembered an incident that had occurred in recent years, though it was far from auspicious.

“I do not dare question the Great One. There indeed has been a mishap involving the Saint”.

– A mishap? Go ahead, speak!

“On the day you had visited, a lark appeared in the middle of the capital and started a riot. It is said that the saint made that lark into a tree”.

The bright red eyes of the mouse facing Rodrigo brightened and seemed to peer into Rodrigo’s soul.

– Alas, of course. That must have been the brilliant energy that woke me up.

Rodrigo did not understand what the High Priest meant. He thought it to be just a metaphor. He did not grasp the importance of what he had just heard.

– Rodrigo, I had asked you to arrange a place to meet the Saint. What has happened with that?

“I have already met with the Saint, lord. I could not convey the message as my voice could not reach the high priest”.

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